
Housewife & Association

Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In one lecture HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj nicely gave instructions to us - ladies by telling the life style of Lord Chaitania Mahaprabhu's wife Lakshmi Priya.

She used to wake up early in the morning, take bath, do Her spiritual duties. Then cooked for Her Deities, and served Her family...in this way whole day She was busy with housework. She used to do incenses, decorations for Altar, wash clothes, clean house, without the help of servants.

But it says that association with Devotees also is very important. Then when she associated with Devotees. I know that She is Mother Lakshmi Herself - naturally pure Devotee of Lord. But by Her lifestyle She also wanted to teach us.

So please, give some advices and explanations how can these days housewives can associate with Devotees and how often it is required?

Thank You!

Your servant, bhaktin maral 


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    Hare Krishna Nilesh Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    No offenses done! We come here to solve our problems and serve to Krishna better.

    About vaccination please read here: http://www.iskcondesiretree.net/group/truth-about-kids/forum/topics...

    in the reality all these done just to suck peoples' money as like insect sucks the blood from the skin ;(

    Better to use Ayurvedic treatments.


    If You really want to understand about building a nice grihastha then please find time to listen these lectures of HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami Maharaj:




    And if You really want to know how women are constructed and what are their duties then listen HH Bhakti Vikash Swami Maharaja's lectures here:



    i am not from rich family, on the contrary even though my parents were educated they used to get the less salary. In the reality when i was a child i did not care how luxuriously i ll be clothed or eat (it might be so but ) mostly i longed for the company of my Mother. I wanted her at home. I did not like to go to the kinder garden...

    As a result elder sister because of freedom did so many mistakes in her life. Other sister also suffered. What to speak of brother. He is now hardly respects Father.

    She worked then what is the result? All the children spoiled their lives.

    Mother's role in the family to cultivate respect to her husband and by her own examples teach her children to respect a Father. And when whole family respects Father Mother Lakshmi Herself enters to that home. When man is respected at home as a protector, maintainer then he will be respected in the society. As a result he will get good job.

    As a result he will earn nicely.

    If wife is chaste there is no need for her to go out and mix with other men and try to earn some money. Even though she can not earn as much as man. Firstly she will spoil her health.

    Secondly children will be left for others' hand.

    Thirdly, she will be spoiled by the other men with talks, glances...

    Fourthly, she will become proud and looses respect to her husband. Why because she becomes tired because she is not doing her own dharma.

    Ok, let's say they will take some servants for housework and themselves earn money. What is the meaning of family life?


    Krishna says that one should do his own duty even bad rather than doing others' duty better.

    Mens' duties are to give 4 types of protections to wife:

    1. spiritual

    2. emotional

    3. physical

    4. financial

    If he can not do so then no need to enter into grihastha ashram better to be a full time servant of a Guru in the Brahmachari ashram.


    HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami Maharaj says that why one should be trained as Brahmachari at the Temple, he says that by nature girls are educated they are already living brahmachari life even at home. But boys are not. Because of that they have to move to the Temple and learn how to serve.

    Cleaning, cooking, washing, menial services...then only he will know that household works are not something unimportant or something easy. Then only he will respect her wife and won't say "why you do not earn money? why i have to maintain you just for some cooking, washing, children....?"

    Even if house is small 3 times cooking, washing, taking care of Deities might take whole day. In this way wife also is earning money. That money which husband is earning is that they are earning it together. Wife helping in the house and husband doing external things.


    Again why women should not work. It does not mean that they have to lie and sleep or gossip. No! It is better to them to stay far from other men. Protected. But she can do her beloved works at home. Or she can serve at the Temple and save money for Temple doing the services as a volunteer.


    You told that there were ladies who used to work in the fields and sell butter...yes, but only women with vaisha inclanations will like to do that. Kshatriay ladies will like to manage. Shudra women will like to do menial service or assist others. Brahmana ladies will like teaching....but it does not mean that shudra is less than vaisha or brahmana is greater than kshatriya. No! It is just nature. And one should act according to his own nature.


    If one does not have money to go to yatras then one should be tolerant. Money comes as much as ones karma deserves. And one gives charity as much as he can but one should not think that i am maintaining the Temple or something like that.

    As like Kolavecha Sridhar. He was a banana seller and used 50% of his income to worship Mother Ganga and be satisfied with other 50%.

    Better not to eat opulent food or wear opulent clothes but use that money for the service.

    Your servant,
    • 1) i am not from rich family,...

      comment: i m sorry to hear that u suffered lot

      2) Krishna says that one should ...

      comment: i already explained that except krishna no one can give protection e.g. lord shiva , arjuna ,...

      3)  Then only he will respect her wife and won't say "why you do not earn money? why i have to maintain you just for some cooking, washing, children....?"

      comment: it is not true without training also men knows that women does great job in home.

      4) Again why women should not work. It does

      comment: brilliant thought

      5) You told that there were ladies who used to work in the fields and sell butter...yes,

      comment: one more example fruit seller lady to her krishna gave lots of wealth

      u r only saying that women has intrest in doing m/g , teaching, business i mean they have skill and earlier whenever was required they were using it similarly now if it required they can use. again i am saying if they want i am not taking side of men but working women those really need to work.

      6) If one does not have money to go to yatras then one should be tolerant. Money comes as much as ones karma deserves. And one gives charity as much as he can but one should not think that i am maintaining the Temple or something like that.
      comment: practically yatra is unavoidable and recommended****** very much.

      all glories to Srilla Sridhar Kolavecha.

      i agree for food and clothes.


      i again wants to mention that i am only supporting point that women those really need,feel and believe that they need to work they can work but should take precautions.

      all glories to devotee women's who are extending themselves so that family can practise bhakti nicely.


    • Hare Krishna Nilesh Prabhuji!! Wow

      "I DON'T KNOW WHAT men can do in this he is trying his best working like donkey and sometimes mad donkey.

      we are men but not supermens to arrange all facilities. i m listing below few ..."

      I just want to say one thing

      "WOMENS ARE NOT MACHINE". THEY ARE expected to handle house and office together by Indian mens like you.

      If you are not capable or cant afford a city life then move out and live a simple life in a town or a village or just don't marry as Bhaktin mataji has said..

      I agree with what   Sudheendra S prabhuji said.

      Even if a women wants to work or if a women is asked to work outside by husband (only if she wants a luxury life), After a child birth she should quit work at least for few years until the child is slightly grown up(may be 10-12 years).

      This is based on my personal experience and not scriptures.

      A women no matter how intelligent or aggresive or active , physically she is not as strong as men and hence while handling both world together it's sure that she cannot fully concentrate on kids,family her health and Krishna.

      I am glad and happy  I have quit my job(started from Zero bank balance, not born/married in a rich family) and could recognize my mistake way ahead in my life.


      • sri radhe, pamho, jai srila prabhupada,all glories to u for instructing me nicely i like ur motherly nature

                 haaaa haaa haaaaaaa where i have written i am expecting my wife to work in office and home at both places it was point of discussion and i am searching bride and if u write like this who will marry me ? 

                i agree that i am not capable to maintain and protect family but still i have desire to marry

                :-( i m not paramhamsa but i am trying to practise K.C. even though there are tons of problems.

                town and village is also costly and jobs are not available their and now days more dangerous than city.

        farming is only option but all village people converting agriculture land to NA plots and selling them or and agri. land is very costly.

        u bless me i m dying every moment i would be very happy to stay with cows :-) i really don't like to send kids to schools and women outside in unsafe place. i have very very less capability but lord and his devotees have always given special treatment***. i m trying to save money but alone with many responsibilities i can't raise sufficient amount to shift to village.

      • Volunteer

        Thank You dear Alka Mataji! Happy to see such like Mothers! 

        Wish very much Your kids become great personalities and sincere Devotees of Krihsna fed by the love of their Mother. 

        Your servant,  :)

  • Volunteer

    First of all, I want to clarify one thing that these are the words of HH BVKS Maharaj and not mine. But it really makes sense if we think on it and contemplate.

    I live in Bangalore now and I have seen Mumbai as well. From what I understand is that there is very little difference in the cost of living in Mumbai and Bangalore. One thing I would like to bring to the notice of all devotees here from my own experience. When I was doing my masters, I would get a stipend of 5000 per month. I would pay my college and hostel fee and send some money to home as well. I was very very happy and peaceful then. I finished my masters and then joined a college for working as lecturer and I was getting a salary around 17-18 thousand and still I was very happy because I could get lot of time for reading and hearing. Then I got a job in Bangalore in a MNC IT firm and moved in here and I was getting over 25k per month. Life started getting miserable. I had to work literally like an ass 7 days a week and minimum of 13-14 hrs a day. Last year, when my annual package was above 5LPA, Still, end of month, I had to think a lot on spending every penny!!! One day I was coming home by bus and there was another passenger sitting next to me. He was working in a garage and had got his payslip. He was reading that when I just peeped into it out of curiosity. It read total pay of 4500 rupees and since he had taken a advance of 1000 earlier in that month, he got a net pay of 3500. 

    I was just contemplating then that I get a salary of over 35k per month and still was struggling to sustain (forgot to mention that my brother gets around 15+ per month) and this fellow was getting about 10% of what I used to get. 

    The point I wanted to convey here is that our life style is like water - it takes the shape of the container that we put it in. If we want to live like a king, no matter how much we earn, its not enough. If we want to live a simple life, then what ever we get is more than enough.

    TV, fridge, etc etc may come in 35k or something no doubt. But what is the running cost? and what is it making of us is what is important. We have made our life very complex and then say that we need to work like an ass to fulfill all these things. Whom to blame for this? 

    Srila Prabhupada in many of his books say KC means simple living and high thinking. Scriptures says that the amount of money one can enjoy, the kind of wife one gets and the kind of children one may beget are already fixed by our karma and very little can we do anything about it. Then why should we put soo much effort to make this place a better place to live while Krishna is saying this is dhukalayam????

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    yes, in Mumbai i saw people who used to stay in a rented room family with 6-7 members in it. :O

    They had no place to sleep on the flour because of that there were some kind of roof for 2-3 people to sleep. :O

    In my country we used to run for some hours from one part of the house to the another. When i saw the condition of Mumbai residents i was shocked. What to do? Please go to our country! :P (joking)

    In those conditions i felt emergency of going back to Godhead. Mumbai is place like hell. But there is nice opportunity to preach to people who suffer about the glories of the Goloka Vrindavan.


    Coming to the subject. As i understood You want to buy a flat with Your wife. In this case it is ok i think. But then after all for wife it is better to take nice care of children. 


    Your servant, 

    • Volunteer

      if i had to maintain the family by earning money outside then i would prefer not to get marry and use all my time for Krishna's service. It is not womens' dharma to maintain a family. So why to do mens' dharma? Plus tolerate all pains with children. Women are not Tarzans.

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