We only take the Tulasi leaf when it is in preparation, after offering. I understand we are to accept as mercy from the Lord, as spiritual benefit. I am wondering about taking with expectation of physical benefit.  We get physical benefit from food preparations, we expect spiritual benefit from taking prasadam.


Even when the leaf is taken in prasadam what is the view of taking with the expectation of serving our self, such as protecting from radiation damage?


Holy Basil (O. sanctum) has a radioprotective effect on radiation damage.


medical uses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocimum_tenuiflorum



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    Bhaktin Carol Mataji,

    We must take shelter of Tulasi Devi. We must always associate with Her, who is purest of devotees, by keeping her next to you at work, kitchen or where ever you are.

    A Sri Vaishava devotee told me that offering a Tulasi Leaf to the Lord gives one the same benefit of performing a 1000 Ashwamedha Yagnas. Devotees, please correct me if I am wrong in quoting that or if it is inaccurate.

    We, as devotees, are not looking for any benefit. However, I am making a point that Tulasi Devi is very powerful.

    What is cancer, its nothing. She is so powerful, She WILL take us to Krishna Loka.

    Our body is the property of Krishna. We must take care of it properly and put it in Krishna's service.

    You are not the body. So, why are you feeling that it is self serving?

    Kindly take it as a blessing that you have no choice but to take shelter of Tulasi Devi. Offer Tulasi Leaf to Krishna every 5 minutes and put it in your mouth and let the Tulasi Leaf dissolve in your mouth until your next offering of the Tulasi Leaf to the Lord (5minutes). You will end up getting karma of performing millions of Ashwamedha yajnas.

    My only fear it that you may make Lord Indra very angry ;)

    Tulasi Maharani Ki Jai!






  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    Nice thoughts..My opinion, you can expect all sorts of good benefits.. Vrindadevi will provide for our spiritual advancement and our health is important in this regard too.


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