Handle changes in life post marriage

I got married around one and half years back. There seems to be a lot of changes that gets demanded

post marriage (both from spouse and from parents). While I am resistant to lot of changes, I would like to know is it natural to feel stressed handle things post-marriage and what is the best way to deal with the changes ?

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  • Hare Krishna Prabhuji.  Kindly explain what kind of stress you are getting like mentally stress, physically stress. Stress given by family or wife or whatever kindly explain it openly.  I am sure by the mercy of Krishna you will get best possible reply.

    • Actually there is no physical stress ...Also I would not call it a mental stress coz that seems a little extreme to me as of now...just wanted to know if such things are normal post-marriage and ways to deal with the changes that come post-marriage...

      • Volunteer

        Hare Krsna dear p

        Please accept my humble obeisances.

        Hope you are well and your Krsna Consciousness is going fine.

        Every change brings lot of turmoil in life because you undergo a change. So when you undergo this change, turmoil will be there. As far as i can understand, you need to be very strong yourself. This strength is the strength to take the right decision and remain calm and composed even midst of difficult circumstances. There is difference between need and demands. Please take help of intelligent Krsna Conscious people when taking major decisions which may effect lives of people around you. As you are the leader of the family, you need to be very strong to deal with the problems that may come.

        Hope this helps


  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear devotee,    Personally my wife and I were not stressed after years of marriage. 

    We were very happy and had a big family.  

    I never saw the wife as my servant.  

    She is Krishna's servant and I helped  her remember that.

    My wife also encouraged me in the same way.

    Good luck, chant Hare Krishna and may you both be very happy.

  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    Yes, marraige can be stressful. That is what is explained in the Gita prabhu - dukhalayam ashashwatam. Marraige means a lot of happiness and positive changes, at the same time, the maximum demands and stresses. Nobody has come here tobe happy. Whatever we do, we end up in misery only.

    If you keep Krsna in the centre of your relationships, it will help solve a lot of issues and handle stress. Actually, thats the only way, there is no other way.

    In the material world, change is the only constant. Pls think if it is difficult for you to change and you resist it (naturally), then how much more it would be for your wife - she is uprooted from her sorroundings of so many years and suddenly expected to become matured and responsible overnight. It is difficult for both husband and wife and the immediate families to accept the changes and adapt.

    Pray more, be more sincere in your sadhana, things will sort themselves out.


    Your servant,


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