Guru bramha guru vishnu guru devo maheshwaram

If God gave u a dog as a guru, would u be thankful and submit to service of dog? This is not a practical question but an exercise to see the bhakti of devotees within this isckon tree of life. Which is tree which is branch which is fruit n which is birds nest or worm to b eaten ^^^_____^^^^

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  • We are sane and intelligent people (atleast on paper). A scientific mind always queries and questions. Srila Prabhupada has presented the entire doctrine of Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatham in the most scientific form. If you are sane and scientific why would you think of something like that? Are you so enlightened that you can learn something from the dog. Also you should note that those who learnt from plants, creepers,ants were not ordinary. They were embodiments of the Supreme Lord Himself. Hence this is also the cheating aspect. The Lord Himself appeared as Buddha and Dattatreya as a cheating personality!! So you should be sane and stick to regular philosophy and not try to engineer new ways!!!


  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhu,


    A true seeker learns from even a prostitute, lessons on spirituality. Have you heard the story of the prostitute Pingla in the Srimad Bhagavatam, aasha hi paramam dukham....? Then what to speak of dog. Even karmis learn loyalty from dog. Gyaanis learn the limit of their senses from dog - human's range for hearing is lesser than dogs....

    Is this what you were looking for or something else?


    Gaurav Chauhan prabhu,




    Your servant,


  • i've heard ...once Lord Brahma had some spare time,so he decided to check in Iskcon desire tree.He found the name of asur vasudev prabhu the most intriguing[ vasudev and asur in one!! ].So he checked on his replies and comments..tried hard to get something out of them for a good BRAHMA minute ,but then left..defeated..

    My apologies to Brahmadev for dragging him into this but just couldn't help it as asur prabhu in one of his replies had mentioned that he took the sudarshan chakra and went to some alien planet to cut some mountain or something..

    Asur prabhu it's all in good jest,i don't have any malicious intent..forgive me for my silly comment..

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