Feeling angry after reading Narasimha Kavacha

Hare Krishna


Recently my office workload increased and my Wife is always criticizing me that you do only bhakti and dont take care of the child.

After Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj left his body, in all temple meetings (I am from Delhi, India) it was like mourning for bit more than a month.

In all these circumstances I started to feel low and noticing anxiety and politics in the material world.


I started reading Narasimha Kavach and was feeling confident after that. 

However, I noticed, I am feeling angry now. In fact I went alone to the home of a person who was not returning my due money and he returned.

However I am feeling angry on small things. 

How to counter the anger I am feeling? Should I read the Kavach only at night? I heard that it lesens a devotee's anger, but opposite is happening with me.

What are the recommendations?


Your Servant

Varun Pant

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    • This happened to me in past as well Prabhuji..

      Dont know why my anger increases by reading this. No itentions to offed anybody Prabhuji.


      For now, I will read at night only, before sleeping. So it can help.

  • Santa Nrsimha from Jagannath Puri removes anger of anyone who sees Him.

    If Nrsimha kavaca is too time-consuming for you, then recite some shorter text. E.g. Narasimha dvadasa nama stotram (12 names of Nrsimha).

    Better than worshiping Lord alone is to worship Him with His sakti, as Sri Sri Laksmi Nrsimha. This is the Vaisnava way.

    Hari Hari
    ys J.

    • Thanks for yor reply Prabhuji. Any links for Lakshmi Narsimha stotras are welcome..


      Ots not about log, once we practice for a week, all it takes is 10 minutes.

      • There are too many of them and are found on many sites.

        Laksmi Nrsimha astottarasata nama (Brahmanda Purana)
        Laksmi Nrsimha sahasra nama (Nrsimha Purana)
        Laksmi Nrsimha hrdaya stotra
        Laksmi Nrsimha karavalambam
        Laksmi Nrsimha karuna rasa stotra
        Laksmi Nrhari mangalam by Srinivasa Yatindra
        Laksmi Nrsimha astaka by Yogindra Tirtha

        Hari Hari
        ys J.

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