Eliminating meat subsidies

The US govt is giving 38 billion  of tax payers money  in meat subsidies. 

About 50 years ago, beef cost more than $7 a pound in today’s dollars. Today, despite high inflation, beef is down to about $4.80 a pound, and chicken is just around $1.80 a pound. But those low prices hide the true costs of the meat we consume — costs that the meat and poultry industries have quietly offloaded onto not only the animals we consume but us humans, too. Can we do a campaign to eliminate these subsidies.


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  • Hare Krsna pamho,

    The artihmatic is external issue but the major problem is supply , i feel sad,there is demand thats why there is supply. and when the supply is in excess the prices go down.  No doubt tamoguna and in turn demoniac propensity is rampant. We need to distribute more prabhupad books and bring people under mode of goodness, we also need to pray Krsna Balaram to protect cows.

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