
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    From the time of creation the inclination of Demons is to own the higher planetary systems. 

    At the time of Prahlada Maharaja's rule he told that demons will live in the lower planets, human beings in the earthly planets and Demigods in the heavenly. Because of that these 3 types of humans used to take birth in according planetary systems. 

    But later these three types of people started to take birth in same planets. Like in earth planet. Later in one continent. Later in one country. And these days even in one family. I mean to say both demons and demigods can take birth in one family. 

    Demons taking birth in this earth are trying to kill God consciousness and propagate atheism. They may take a body of a scientists or something like that and influence to mass of people.

    They preach that cow milk is not good, they maintain cow killing... in this way ruin the Vedic culture.

    Usually demons take birth from the wombs of an unclean parents.


    In Srimad Bhagavatam it says that there are lower heavenly planets. The inhabitants of those planets are very expert for technology and sense gratification. Those planets are far more luxurious even from heavenly planets. 

    In this way flying machines are also might be their technology. 

    Your servant,  

    • Thanks Bhaktin Maral.

                      Hare Krishna. Very fascinating information. Yes, I think there are demons taking birth here on our earth planet. There seems to be a lot of atheists on planet earth.

  • That sounds very interesting. Yes, please if you can translate it here into English that would be wonderful!

  • Volunteer
    Hare Krishna, pranam dandavat, AGTSP! AGTSG!

    There is a monthly spiritual newspaper of ISKCON, Chaitanya Sandesh, it's in bengali language. In one of the edition, there is an article about aliens and UFO. In the article, with various examples, it is very clearly explained about aliens and UFO. The conclusion of the article was that, probably this aliens can be yamdutas. Yamdutas are the representative of Yamraj. It is said that aliens are some extraordinary living beings, they look very odd and it is also said that most often the incident of aliens take place at the time of death. The same applies for yamdutas, they'r also strange looking and they too approach a person at the time of his death. I may post that article by translating it in english. So if you can you can check it out for detailed information.
    Hope this helps to some extant. Haribol!

    Your servant
  • Volunteer

    Dear Hinson, HareKrishna.

    Here i am sharing one authorized book from which you will have some idea regarding UFO. It's written by well known ISKCON devotees.

    Vedic Cosmography And Astronomy

    Click on this link and search has been done on UFO so, please see below book's picture for the same.

    Hope you find it helpful to your queries.




     :: VedicGiftShop :: SpiritualQuest ::

    • Thanks to all for your very helpful comments.

  • Hare krishna

    dandawat pranam pravu,

    all glories to srila pravupada.

    For the term UFO, it is a scientific nomenclature for the beings that may/may not exist in the other planets. Science is still doing its research for UFO. It is not confirmed about the existence of them, but we can not deny the fact also. I hope you have heard the stories of UFO visiting in Canada, U.S.A and other nations and also about the most secret place in the world Area-51.

    Now as far as vedic scriptures are concerned, they have already said about the existence of living beings in other planets and other universe. 

    I suggest you to watch the youtube videos on this matter or do some googling and reach a conclusion yourself. 

    And please share your facts with us.

    Hare krishna.

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