
  • Volunteer

    One day during a REM sleep( temporary sleep) I had a weird experience where I felt as if someone is pulling me away (my soul) and I am hanging somewhere in between the 2 worlds (in the sky) and not able to go down also and up in the sky also, I was trying hard but everything was in vain and I was in a very painful situation,then I remember God and said, please either let me go down or take me up with you. As soon as I said that in dreams, I woke up in fear.

    yes, i also heard such like situations in many Devotees' lives.

    For example, initiating Guru in Russia HG Chaitania Charan Prabhu told that before coming to Krishna Consciousness he used to go out from his body in his subtle body. And when he become a Devotee he told about these incidents to senior Devotee. 

    That senior Devotee told that our goal is not to go out from the body in subtle body but being in the body, engaging it in Krishna's service completely removing subtle body to free our soul and go back to Godhead. 

    And i have a Devotee friend who also suffered with these situations and only calling for Krishna's Names used to help her. She used to explain me that it is painful when you go out from your body and put again back.

    In this way please let's pray to Krishna to protect us from all ill things but use our body, mind and soul in His service!

    Your servant,

  • Volunteer

    Yes, You are correct KA Prabhu, even when we sleep consciousness may be in different stages. And also right when we practice Krishna Consciousness for many years bad dreams do not come even if they come Krishna helps us to remember His Name and call for Him. And in this way His Names come to protect us.

    I heard many situations like that, when Devotees were in difficulties on their dreams and called for Lord Narasimha...even i had such like experience.

    It might be that body is in sleep but mind not and we do not know about what mind of that sleeping person thinks.  

    Your servant,

  • as i remember night if one leaves body then soul goes to lower regions of universe.

    we should not judge devotees anytime*****************

    after death soul either wonders as ghost (sometimes in case of sucide or accident), yamdutas take soul for more purification and give new body which may be any out of 84 lakhs variety or soul goes towards spiritual world.  

    • Hare Krishna prabhu K.A

      I couldn't understand your statement below (not as intelligent as Nilesh bhimji thinks :) )

      "I discussed this with my senior devotees and they said only one thing, "chant properly and you will not see Krsna again." which is happening."

      One would want to see Krishna in dream then why some devotee told you "chant properly and you will not see Krsna again"

      Are we expecting here that if we see Krsna in dreams ,we will be put under maya jaal immediately.

      A devotee would love to see Krsna everyday in his/her dream.

      Please clarify your statement.

      I was wondering for other experiences in dreams I don't have to do anything still I see it in dreams but to see Krishna in dream is so difficult . I have decided to chant 64 rounds one day and then lets see if I can see dear Krishna in dreams that night.

      Just sharing one of my experience.

      One day during a REM sleep( temporary sleep) I had a weird experience where I felt as if someone is pulling me away (my soul) and I am hanging somewhere in between the 2 worlds (in the sky) and not able to go down also and up in the sky also, I was trying hard but everything was in vain and I was in a very painful situation,then I remember God and said, please either let me go down or take me up with you. As soon as I said that in dreams, I woke up in fear.

      Science call it as sleep paralysis. Whatever it is. Can't explain. It could be "out of body experience" which I had 1 other time as well under anesthesia (at that time I felt like I saw some shadow which is never ending from all sides)

      Anyway dreams/out of body experiences  are complicated to understand.

      As Bhaktin Mataji said let  shree Gokulesh solve this and I will just pray.

      jai shree gokulesh

  • Hare Krishna prabhuji

    you are scaring me !!! :(

    Sometimes I see unrelated things in my dream. Definitely not related to current life.

    What can explain that. just karma of previous life?

    Hari Hari

    • Volunteer

      Yes, Alka Mataji, if some dreams bring some disturbances only person can save us is Krishna - Gokulesh :)

      Whatever difficulty we have we have to go to Him for help.

      Sometimes it might happen that Devotee sees on his dream that he is committing sin and sincere Devotee even for that begs forgiveness from Krishna and begs to help him even on dreams be engaged with devotional services.

      Your servant,

    • u r very intellegent mother , rightly pointed dreams can be related to past or future but not present.

      don't be scare of death only bcoz krishna is expert & he is with us in every situation , he will make us free from influence of maya at the time of so called material problems.

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