When I used to visit my Grandmom in village, I used to see that she is using cow dung to coat the floor and half of the wall in the house. I was thinking why in the gods name does any one use the stool of a animal to coat their home!!! but the fact is, the cow dung has a antibacterial properties. Also, it acts as a natural mosquito repellent. The floor which is coated with cow dung remains warm in winters and cold in summers.
Cow dung and Urine has lot of medical properties. In Mayapur in the initial days, devotees did not had any medicine. All they would depend upon is to drink cow urine and apply cow dung for all problems to their bodies. Cow urine has proved to be the best medicine for loosing weight.
Dear devotee Hare Krsna, there has been scientific research into cow dung and urine and they are found to be very beneficial and remarkable in certain uses. Ayur veda is now becoming of more interest as the claims of cancer cures and so many other benefits are increasing. Science ie research by labs etc are slow in finding what it is that produces these results. Only in recent years has it been found that the medicine from cows urine may be working on the DNA level. Whatever they find by such research will take many years of speculation to get some theory and then experiment over and over again. And they may still be wrong. Therefore the vedas are accepted as being beyond our sensual range and ability to fully understand with such limited inteligence. We can take advantage of vedic knowledge and see the results. That is also science. See The results. Hare Krsna.
Cow dung and Urine has lot of medical properties. In Mayapur in the initial days, devotees did not had any medicine. All they would depend upon is to drink cow urine and apply cow dung for all problems to their bodies. Cow urine has proved to be the best medicine for loosing weight.
Hare Krishna
thank u prabhu ji....I discussed the same when i visit BACE yesterday...and get the same ans from them also.
Hare Krishna!!!
Dear devotee Hare Krsna, there has been scientific research into cow dung and urine and they are found to be very beneficial and remarkable in certain uses. Ayur veda is now becoming of more interest as the claims of cancer cures and so many other benefits are increasing. Science ie research by labs etc are slow in finding what it is that produces these results. Only in recent years has it been found that the medicine from cows urine may be working on the DNA level. Whatever they find by such research will take many years of speculation to get some theory and then experiment over and over again. And they may still be wrong. Therefore the vedas are accepted as being beyond our sensual range and ability to fully understand with such limited inteligence. We can take advantage of vedic knowledge and see the results. That is also science. See The results. Hare Krsna.
Thank u Prabhu ji...