
Hare Krsna to all Devotees,

I am getting married in few weeks and my husband is non devotee. Soon I wish to make him one by Krishna's mercy.

I was reading the answers in the Spiritual Scientist forum, but still have lot of doubts...

1) Why was polygamy,to some extent polyandry practiced in Vedic culture? Is it still relevant? What do scriptures highly recommend in this age?

2) I tried to read many scriptures but none gave enough answers to support monogamy, even though Lord Ramachandra practiced that. Why is it so?

I am a simple common girl wishing to fulfill  all my duties according to Dharma...please guide me according to scriptures so that I do not fall down from the right path.


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  • Sevak


    1. Polygamy was allowed in previous yugas ( Satya, treta, dwapara) because the population of women in general was more than population of men. Also the men would be interested in spirituality, so they may not want to enter grihastha life and remain celibates. Women always need shelter of men. So to make sure that they get it, men were allowed to marry more than one wife to ensure that proper functioning of society. In previous ages, because of discipline and strength, men especially kshatriyas could give shelter to more than one women in terms of physical needs, emotional needs and spiritual needs. 

    In Kali yuga, man marrying more than one woman in while his wife is alive is considered sinful as per scriptures. So for kaliyuga it is not allowed, and one easily understand this also, men are not able to take care of a single wife properly, but yes they do want to unite with more than one. Scriptures for this age recommend that one can have at max one wife. SP recommends if one can remain a strict brahmacari, it is best. 

    Polyandry is never allowed at all in any case. This is totally against the principle of marriage which founded on the principle of chastity of wife towards husband. Great personalities like Sita devi, Sati anasuya etc are glorified for their chastitiy. The one exception which everyone inevitably remembers is that of Draupadi. But this is an exception that was made due to special boons given to her. Such exceptions are like once in a yuga or something. But Draupadi was again a very chaste wife to her husbands. 

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