Character Of Kunti Devi ?

Hare Krishna ,


I started reading Bhagavad Gita Again , on my devotee friend submission ..

Well reading second time i inquired about Kunti Devi in Purpots Of Chapter 1 ,

Where Srila Prabhupada mentions Karn he was half brother of Arjuna ,

Because Kunti was Pregnent before marriage ..

How can this happen in Vedic Age , where no relationship was allowed before marriage ?

I have no understanding of Mahabharata ..

Please tell me about Character Of Kunti Devi .. ?

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  • Sevak

    It is not advisable to direct the queries to another forum in this manner

  • Volunteer

    it is to understand Prabhuji, 

    For example, Krishna Himself told to Arjuna to declare boldly that His Devotee will never perish. And He did not told that Himself. In this way Krishna can brake His promises sometimes but He knows that Arjuna does not do so.

    In King Yudhishtra's situation, he was such a pure and pious king, soul so that whatever he speaks is truth. As we know he never lied. 

    And Srila Prabhupada says that if a Devotee for 10 full years attends all programs like Mangala Arati, Srimad Bhagavatam class, chants his rounds, reads this way for 10 years and after whatever he speaks becomes truth. In this way we have also chance to have such like power of course by the mercy of Guru and Gouranga.

    Krishna can give laws through His Devotees also. As like Manu gave Manu Samhita in which he gave law to humankind.

    Your servant,

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Ashwani Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    All the problem arises when we read Shastra with our way of conception to see the world, and calculate things and circumstances on that term. We have to remember that The pandavas and all the character associated with Krishna / Ram or any other Vishnu tattva were not ordinary human being like us that we see today. They all descended from either spiritual planet or Heavenly planets to assists Lord in his pastimes.

    Which human being is there who can conceive child from Vayu Deva,Indra , Sun God. So they were not ordinary human being like us. So if we read shastra according to the right conception then we can understand things in proper manner.

    Hope this will help

    your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Ashwani Kumar Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    She got this son Karna from the Sun God.

    Once Durvasa Muni visited their home, and Kunti Devi served the sage very nicely as a guest. And he was pleased with her and gave her a mantra which she could call any Demigod and get a child from him and he left.

    One day Kunti Devi being young yet lady tried to check the power of the mantra. And chanted it. Sun God came and he told that now his duty is to gift her a child. But she told that it is not possible because she was not married and will be criticized in the society.

    But Sun God told that she will remain pure even after having this child and gave her a son and left.

    And because of fear she took the child and gave to the care of Mother Ganges. In this way this child was found by chariot makers and they accepted him as their son and called him as Ratha Putra or something like that.

    But this child was very special. When he took birth he already was in the worrier uniform attached to his body...

    So Kunti Devi was a young girl and by mistake she just checked the power of the mantra.

    And she kept this secret that Karna was her son till his death. And when Yudhishtra Maharaj become to know about it he lamented too much and in anger gave curse that from this time i curse that any women will be able to keep a secret.

    In this way women are like this only.

    Your servant,


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