
  • Hare Krsna 

    It is explained in the beginning of the second chapter of Bhagavad-gita that for matter there is no endurance and of the spirit there is no change. Our physical body is made of five gross elements and the subtle body called linga sarira is made of material mind, intelligence and false ego. Since the spiritual body is composed entirely of spirit, there is no change.

    Hari Bol 

  •  The body which you have right now is made up of matter.  When you die.. Your body is cremated or buried. You cannot take this body to the spiritual world.

    The Physcial body ( sthool shareer) is to be left out or discarded.

    Then you have a subtle body consists of mann ( mind), buddhi ( intellect), ahankaar ( ego) which gets attached to the Causal Body ( Karana Shareera).  Causal Body + the Subtle body has all the data it is like a memory chip which stores all information about ur past, present and future life times impressions. Which is responsible for the next birth. 

    But when you are done cleansing off and removing all the karna( the impressions, vasanas, the mermories of karmas)  that is ur are sin free and have nothing to hang on to get another body.  That time.. Lord will give u a Spiritual body and with that Spritual body only you can enter the Vaikunta lokas/ Goloka etc. 

    In the spiritual world yes, there is no more changes to your given body. 

    Hare Krishna

  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    Does the body change in Spiritual World ?


    Hare Krsna

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