
We can have our affections towards other people in this material world.Like we will have our love towards our father,mother,brother,sister,uncle,aunt,etc.But Bhakthi(Devotion)  is the affection or Love which we have in Lord.He may be Allah;He may be Vishnu;He may be Shiva;He may be Jesus Christ.But the destination we reach the Lord is the one i.e:The eternal abode of the Lord.We can have a friendly relationship with him.Or we can maintain a respectful respect with him.But we should have a eternal Relationship with him.

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krishna

    The understanding of bhakti towards lord as spiritual affection towards lord is not only confidential, but also very elevated and only very few chosen fortunate souls come to this understanding. It is only possible to understand this by the mercy of lord and vaishnavas and studying of the topmost scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam which clearly describe the pastimes of lord and his devotees and the affection they carry for each other.

    The scriptures very clearly in many many places indicate which personality is the supreme lord. Here is one such reference

    ishvarah paramah krshnah
    anaadir aadir govindah

    Brahma samhita 5.1

    So ideally there need not be any ambiguity in who the supreme lord is. So one need not think He may shiva or he may be jesus christ etc. He is certainly Krishna only.

    As per top most scriptures like Srimad bhagavatam BHAKTI IS AFFECTION DIRECTED TO KRISHNA ONLY  and manifestations of Krishna in the Visnu tattva (like rama, narasimha). Specifically affection towards demogods like shiva, brahma etc cannot be called bhakti. Scriptures very clearly mention this. The reason is that the eternal relationship of soul is only with Krishna and not with demigods. Of course to understand this one needs to very clearly know the difference between Supreme god and the other demigods

    The understanding of all affection lead to same destination is also not perfectly accurate. In Bhagavad Gita Krishna says

    yaanti deva-vrataa devaan
    pitèn yaanti pitri-vrataah
    bhUtaani yaanti bhUtejyaa
    yaanti mad-yaajino 'pi mam

    "Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me." Bhagavad Gita 9.25

    So here it is very clearly mentioned that there are different destinations and all affection do not lead to same destination. 

    So Bhakti is affection towards Krishna only and will take us to the Supreme destination of Krishnaloka the supreme spiritual abode of Lord Krishna

    YS Bharat

  • Volunteer

    and in this age is the only way to Him is chanting His Holy Names and call out for His mercy.

    If we want to go to Jesus then we have strictly follow His instructions like not killing and again chanting His Names.

    If we want to go to Allah then again we have to strictly follow His instructions like not drinking blood which mean not killing and again chant His Holy Names.

    If we want to come to Krishna the same rule of chanting His Holy Names.

    It is not like that if we worship to other Form of Krishna like Allah we will go to Krishna no.

    If we worship to Shiva we will go to Kailas. If we worship to Lord Rama then we will go to Ayodhya. If we worship to Krishna then only we will have chance to go to Goloka.

    Your servant, 

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