Apprehensions in office life

Hare Krishna


I am working in OpenText technologies, particularly OpenText StreamServe.

Its new version has come which is OpenText Exstream Cloud Native Version.


Now OpenText Exstream is new to me, Cloud Native is another thing which is further new.

Suddenly I feel like somebody who has no clue of what is happening. 

I am thankful that I work in a software service company where they dont treat people badly (not taking name).

Worldwide in Opentext technologies, such an issue is being faced: New version and Cloud on top of it.


How to take this stress up? I was trying to mitigate stress, but when I started waking up at 5 AM and complete my 16 rounds till 8 AM, it really helped.

Any more suggestions are welcome. 



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  • Hare krishna prji,
    As u r already practicing devotional practises due to which I will Suggest u some different mehods

    1) Before sleeping take half spoon of Ashwagandha powder and mix it with Luke warm milk and have it. This would relieve ur stress and provide u with a better sleep

    2) Daily after finishing ur office task go to a barber and ask him to give u a good 15 min head message with Navratna oil this will really relax and calm the nerves and blood vessels of ur head. I daily do this to my husband he feels much relaxed after coming from office, if u r married then tell ur wife to do that would save ur money 😅

    3) perform deep breathing exercises

    4) Avoid Consumption of heavily saturated foods

    5) Daily Running is most important to boost the entire metabolic activity of ur body thereby keeping u physically and mentally healthy

    6)At least sleep for 7 hours to provide sufficient rest and time to ur body so that it could get prepared to work on the next day

    Follow these and u will overcome both stress and anxiety

    Ur Insignificant servant

    • Thanks for Suggestions Acyuta Mataji.

      I had been sleeping less and completing my rounds, as shift start from 12 PM IST.

      9-11 I will sleep praying to Lord Nityananda and Lord Narasimha and catch up sleep as well. :)



      Your Servant

      Varun Pant

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