Hare krishna to all devoteespamho AGTSPAfter Oh my God. Now we have new movie P.K which is again conveying same points. Ultimate message seems to be same as oh my God to reject all Godmen or middlemen. Movie also don't give message to love God or chant his holy names. But it presents our Relationship with him is simply of Give and take. It will again delude less Intelligent people for sure, how to deal with it? Why only fraud spiritual Gurus portrayed in such movies? Why not they tell people from whom to take authorised knowledge about God and who is real Guru? Why not they gives example of great Spiritual masters like Srila Prabhupada, Radhanath swami and so on, whose making millions of people devotees of Lord?Since this is Aamir khan movie, so it will be more influencing than Oh my God movie. It will obviously break all box office records. But I fear, it could create negative doubts in the mind of sincere spiritual seekers. As message is same, To reject all Godmens. Because concept of this movie is almost 80% same as of Oh my God movie. Just plot is different Kanji bhai was shown as atheist and P.K(Aamir khan) is shown as Alien. Who reject all rituals and current business which is going on in the name of God.I wish Iskcon make high budget movie on life of Srila Prabhupada and deliver these all deluding rascals. I'm sure it will be game changing in the history KC. But it should be as magnificent as these movies.
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Hare Krsna, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada & Srila Gopal Krishna Maharaj. श्रील शुकदेव गोस्वामी महाराज परीक्षित को श्रीमद् भागवतम का समापन करने से पहले अंतिम स्कन्द 12 (अध्याय 2 व 3 ) में कलियुग के लक्षण इस प्रकार बताते हैं:–
कलियुग के प्रबल प्रभाव से धर्म, सत्य, पवित्रता, क्षमा, दया, आयु, शारीरिक बल तथा स्मरणशक्ति दिन प्रतिदिन क्षीण होते जायेंगे (SB.12.2.1) |
एकमात्र संपत्ति को ही मनुष्य के उत्तम जन्म, उचित व्यवहार तथा उत्तम गुणों का लक्षण माना जायेगा | कानून तथा न्याय मनुष्य के बल के अनुसार ही लागू होंगे (SB.12.2.2) |
पुरुष तथा स्त्रियाँ केवल उपरी आकर्षण के कारण एकसाथ रहेंगे और व्यापार की सफलता कपट पर निर्भर रहेगी | पुरुषत्व तथा स्त्रीत्व का निर्णय कामशास्त्र में उनकी निपुणता के अनुसार किया जायेगा और ब्राह्मणत्व जनेऊ पहनने पर निर्भर करेगा (SB.12.2.3) |
मनुष्य एक आश्रम को छोड़ कर दूसरे आश्रम को स्वीकार करेंगे | यदि किसी की जीविका उत्तम नही है तो उस व्यक्ति के औचित्य में सन्देह किया जायेगा | जो चिकनी चुपड़ी बातें बनाने में चतुर होगा वह विद्वान् पंडित माना जायेगा (SB.12.2.4) |
निर्धन व्यक्ति को असाधु माना जायेगा और दिखावे को गुण मान लिया जायेगा | विवाह मौखिक स्वीकृति के द्वारा व्यवस्थित होगा (SB.12.2.5) |
उदर-भरण जीवन का लक्ष्य बन जायेगा | जो व्यक्ति परिवार का पालन-पोषण कर सकता है, वह दक्ष समझा जायेगा | धर्म का अनुसरण मात्र यश के लिए किया जायेगा (SB.12.2.6) |
प्रथ्वी भ्रष्ट जनता से भरती जायेगी | समस्त वर्णों में से जो अपने को सबसे बलवान दिखला सकेगा, वह राजनैतिक शक्ति प्राप्त करेगा (SB.12.2.7) |
कलियुग समाप्त होने तक सभी प्राणियों के शरीर आकर में छोटे हों जायेंगें और धार्मिक सिद्धान्त विनिष्ट हो जायेंगे | राजा प्रायः चोर हो जायेंगे; लोगों का पेशा चोरी करना, झूंठ बोलना तथा व्यर्थ हिंसा करना हो जायेगा और सारे सामाजिक वर्ण शूद्रों के स्तर तक नीचे गिर जायेंगे | घर पवित्रता से रहित तथा सारे मनुष्य गधों जैसे हो जायेंगे (SB.12.2.12-15) |
कलियुग के दुर्गुणों के कारण मनुष्य क्षुद्र दृष्टि वाले, अभागे, पेटू, कामी तथा दरिद्र होंगे | स्त्रियाँ कुलटा होने से एक पुरुष को छोड़ कर बेरोक टोक दूसरे के पास चली जायेंगी (SB.12.3.31) |
शहरों में चोरों का दबदबा होगा | राजनैतिक नेता प्रजा का भक्षण करेंगे और तथाकथित पुरोहित तथा बुद्धिजीवी अपने पेट व जननांगों के भक्त होंगे (SB.12.3.32) |
ब्रह्मचारी अपने व्रतों को सम्पन्न नही कर सकेंगे और सामान्यता अस्वच्छ रहेंगे | सन्यासी लोग धन के लालची बन जायेंगे (SB.12.3.33) | व्यापारी लोग क्षुद्र व्यापार में लगे रहेंगे और धोखाधडी से धन कमायेंगे | आपात काल न होने पर भी लोग किसी भी अधम पेशे को अपनाने की सोचेंगे (SB.12.3.35) |
नौकर धन से रहित स्वामी को छोड़ देंगे भले ही वह सन्त सद्रश्य उत्कृष्ट आचरण का क्यों न हो | मालिक भी अक्षम नौकर को त्याग देंगे भले ही वह बहुत काल से उस परिवार में क्यों न रह रहा हो (SB.12.3.36) |
मनुष्य कंजूस तथा स्त्रियों द्वारा नियंत्रित होंगे | वे अपने पिता, भाई, अन्य सम्बन्धियों तथा मित्रों को त्याग कर साले तथा सालियों की संगति करेंगे (SB.12.3.37) |
शुद्र लोग भगवान् के नाम पर दान लेंगे और तपस्या का दिखावा कर, साधू का वेश धारण कर अपनी जीविका चलायेंगे | धर्म न जानने वाले उच्च आसन पर बैठेंगे और धार्मिक सिद्धांतों पर प्रवचन करने का ढोंग रचेंगे (SB.12.3.38) |
लोग थोड़े से सिक्कों के लिए शत्रुता ठान लेंगे | वे सारे मैत्रीपूर्ण सम्बन्धों को त्याग कर स्वयं मरने तथा अपने सम्बन्धियों को मार डालने पर उतारू हो जायेंगे (SB.12.3.41) |
लोग अपने बूढ़े माता-पिता, बच्चों व अपनी पत्नी की रक्षा नही कर पायेंगे तथा अपने पेट व जननांगों की तुष्टि में लगे रहेंगे (SB.12.3.42) |
हे राजन! कलियुग में लोगों की बुद्धि नास्तिकता के द्वारा विपथ हो जायेगी | तीनो लोकों के नियन्ता तक भगवान् के चरण-कमलों पर अपना शीश नवाते हैं, किन्तु इस युग के क्षुद्र एवं दुखी लोग ऐसा नही करेंगे (SB.12.3.43) |
अन्त में शुकदेव गोस्वामी कहते हैं: हे राजन! यधिपी कलियुग दोषों का सागर है फिर भी इस युग में एक अच्छा गुण है- केवल “हरे कृष्ण महामन्त्र” का कीर्तन करने से मनुष्य भवबन्धन से मुक्त हो जाता है और दिव्य धाम को प्राप्त होता है (SB.12.3.51) |
हे राजन! सत्ययुग में बिष्णु का ध्यान करने से, त्रेता युग में यज्ञ करने से तथा द्वापर युग में भगवान् के चरणकमलों की सेवा करने से जो फल प्राप्त होता है, वही कलियुग में केवल हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र के कीर्तन करके प्राप्त किया जा सकता है (SB.12.3.52) |
(ऐसा ही श्लोक विष्णु पुराण(6.2.17), पध्म पुराण (उत्तर खंड 72.25) तथा ब्रह्न्नारदीय पुराण (38.97) में भी पाया जाता है ) | हरे कृष्ण दण्डवत प्रणाम, आपका सेवक
Ashish Jalan > Bhuwan Dutt BawariDecember 30, 2014 at 10:58am
Hari Hari Bol !! This is the amrit coming out of the manthan/discussion !!
Thanks a lot prabhu for HIndi Bhagavatam !! Do you have pdf of HIndi Bhagavatam 12th Chapter.
Thanks to share this post, at least the Devotee like you and others could give their best explanation about Bhakti Yog and the importance of Guru. It really would have helped to those devotees who were in the favor of these stupid non-devotees & rascals, who try to show them more intelligent in their films like OMG & P.K. These films are just based on their own principals who hardly know the vedic rituals and just the people who hardly offer their respect to Lord, who are eating other animals in their meal, who are enjoying the luxurious life and doing lot of irreligious activity.
How can we expect the truth who are the big liar in themselves. So please do not trust on these actors and movie makers otherwise all of you will stray from the path of Bhakti Yoga.
Hare krishna to all
Actually there is no ritualistic defect to offer milk to Lord Shiva. It's mismanagement of that particular temples who drained all milk into the gutter, instead of distributing it among visitors. Just like when lord's deities got bathe daily, then that water is distributed as "Charnamtrita" among devotees.
So there's no question of wasting water either. And Does really temples are responsible for hungry people? What is govt. Doing about it? It's corruption of politicians that they can't rehabilitated those poor people. So why to blame temples. BTW Iskcon gives 15lakhs free meal daily to all, It's really great. Same with others authorised temples. They gives free meal service 24 hours to all category of people. Hence There's no question of poor people outside temples. Even Jesus Christ said, "The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me" . So our ultimate duty is to serve Lord and go back to Him. And this philanthropic work will keep Going on simultaneously. But real Manav seva is to engage people in Madhav seva So they could be purified and goes back to Godhead.
If any rituals which is recommended by shastras then, it is flawless. If anyone finds flaw in it, then that person is actual defective and a blooming idiot.
Mataji! It is clearly mentioned in Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita & Sri Mad Bhagwatam that there would be so many rascals appeared in the age of Kaliyug who will create a drama to be a saint or representative of God. They will misguide the major population of kaliyug because of less intellegency.
They will do all non-religious activity in the shadow of religion, They will make their own religion and their would be large number of blind followers of them. Now let's share the name of these baba: Ram Rahim, Sant Rampal, Asaram, Nirmal baba etc etc... we keep getting the news of frowardness of baba. So we should keep away from these fraudy. Now a days just for the sake of money we see lot of advertisement on Sadhna Channel, Astha Channel there is most popular cheater he is selling Lal Kitab and slogan is bas ab aur dukh nahi and he pay good amount of money to his lady anchors who make fool of inocent people.
So I request from all new devotee of who have been associated with ISKCON DESIRE TREE that please do comment but make sure that you know that whatever you are commenting that is correct as per our vedas and it should written documented proof.
Kindly visit ISKCON temple regularly and if really want to grow in Bhakti then follow above rules, yes your spritul guru should be a bonafide and he should come from guru parampara which is follow by ISKCON world wide.
Whatever i have stated these are all approved by founder acharya HIS HOLINESS BHAKTIVEDANT SWAMI SRILA PRABHUPAD.
I give you one example suppose there are so many brand of clothes in the market like rebok, nike etc etc they are open everywhere but if you go to a local multi brand shoe dealer and he sell you a fake product then he is not guilty, we are guilty because as we already know that these are big brands and exclusive store world wide then why purchase from the local multi brand dealer and the reason because of small amount of discount but at last we get fake products with wasting money and cheating.
similarly when there is ISKCON temples are build worldwide with full of Pure Devotees of the Lord and authorized bonafide spiritual master with full of knowledge of Vedic sculptures. So why to waste our valuable time with these stupids and culprits.
If could be possible try to avoid watching movies, stupid programees on your tv and spend your valuable time while Chanting, Reading (Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita & Sri Mad Bhagwatam, Srila Prabhupad Books), listening lectures, discussing about Lord's past time Glories with the Devotees, Kirtan and association of the devotees of the Lord.
If you really want to be happy then go above process, iam fully confident you always will be happy.
I think you have not read the Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Mad Bhgwatam and Our Respected Guru Dev Srila Prabhupad books with full of dedication. And if you have read them but could not understand the message and if you have understood the message but you are unable to apply this. I understand that Manav sewa is Madhav sewa but it needs to be understand properly. You know what are the stages of Bhakti:
I tell you As per mentioned in the Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita & Sri Mad Bhagwatam one who wants to be a pure devotee of Lord Krishna then you need to go throug this process:
1) Accept a bonafide spritual master and surrender onto the lotus feet of the Lord.
2)Chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra Daily (Minimum Commited Round should be 16 and it should be full of concerntration)
3) Eat only the remainants which is been offered to the Lord. That will be called Prasad not breakfast, lunch or dinner.
4) Daily reading of Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Mad Bhagwatam & other Vedic Literature after offering your puja.
5) Association of devotees & get diksha after applying these princepal in your daily life.
6) A devotee of the Lord should follow four regulative princepal: 1) No Meat eating (Include no onion, garlic)
2) No smoking/drinking/Intoxication ( Include no tea, coffee, chocolate)
3) No illicit sex
4) No gambling
If you follow above principasl then i accept all your comments but if you don't then. Kindly try to follow above rules. Now let's come on the main point of Manav Sewa & Madhav Sewa. If you follow above rules then who stop you to serve the poor people but the suffering of the poor people will never end because untill & unless we will not spread this Krishna Consciousness till then this suffering will remain as it is.
Now talk about these rascals who have been representing them as a saint or representative of God.
all our media channels are under MNC and Missionary control whose primary job is to defame Indian culture and bring foreign culture and make a suitable environment for their products and control indians and they are getting help from we indians only who for some bucks can do anything they want..
for example you all know ABP news, how many of us know what ABP means?
hence via such movies they try to control young generation so that they start to think that all spiritual leaders are same and all spiritual activities are bogus. this is the agenda... see such channels will never show missionary conversion issues or any other religious conversion issues but only concentrate on sanatan dharma and defaming it. its a high time that real spiritual leaders/devotees start explaining to mass about real love of Godhead....
Whatever you have said in this reply of yours seems alright but IMHO I think it's quite perilous approach for service.No harm in serving humanity with service attitude to Krishna but that shouldn't be the only thing that we do in devotional service.I mean that by your logic perhaps we can do away with making grand temples and serve humanity with bhav with that money.
I say if possible then do both things[keep humanity service and devotional service separate]OR if resources permit only one thing then do that which is more important.
I feel I write somewhat bitter replies[can't help it],so kindly forgive me for that.
Hare Krishna to all Matajis,Prabhujis & Devotees!!!!!!!!!
Radhey! Radhey!
I am very much satisfied with the comment of Gaurav & Harsh Prabhuji but my intention is not to hurt the sentiments of any other respected devotees. The movie which we are talking about that is spreading the wrong information in the society against our scriptures.
As i have discussed this subject in my office with the non-devotees of the Lord, they were directly saying that Bhuwanji please watch OMG, i said why they said you will come to know the reality. They were giving the same explanation as Nidhi Mataji was giving and at the same time they were making the fun of Lord and i was so angry and disappointed that i could fought with them if i were not working in the company.
Now suppose whatever they said i agree on it for few minute, now these colleague of mine after discussing the topic they order for non-veg food and party out. If they are such a sympathetic human being then why do not they stop eating that non-veg food which cost them around 500 rs for per order and insted of that they should feed the milk to poor kids but why they will do it.
It is easy to gossip on the topic like this but very difficult to act on it. How many of these serves to humanity, i think none.
They talk about to serve humanity. United Nation, WHO and there are lot of NGOs in the world who are do these humanity work but i want to ask one question from every one out there how many of them have been benefited and even after that have these problems have been over. The answer is no. Why? because this world is full of obstacles and here is no one is happy except pure devotees of the Lord Krishna, weather they are muslims, Christans, Jews or Hindus.
Lord Krishna tell Arjuna in Kurukshetra: leave all religion and surrender onto me, i will relive you from all your sin and protect you, do not fear.
Mataji in this material world we all are suffering due to our karma of our all last birth of previous life. It is only just because of that we do not surrender our karma to Lord. We do not centralized to Lord Krishna in our daily life and because of that only we all are suffering and affecting by our karma. Lord Krishna says to Arjuna in Kurukshetra: Its your responsibility to do your prescribe duty but you have no right on its fruits.
So my dear all Matajis, Prabhujis & Devotees please must Chant: HARE KRISHNA! HARE KRISHNA! KRISHNA KRISHNA! HARE HARE! HARE RAMA! HARE RAMA! RAMA RAMA! HARE HARE!
Read Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Mad Bhagwatam and the books of our honerable Guru A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad & try to surrender yourself onto the Lotus Feet of a bonfafide Spritual Master. One more thing Please do visit ISKCON so that you will in touch with the Lord's devotees. I am a very very sin & fallen, and i don't stand anywhere in the spritual platform and i do not have strong knowledge but whatever i knew i shared with all my dear matajis, prabhujis & devotees.
Kindly apologies Nidhi Mataji for any of my mistake.
Hare Krsna, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada & Srila Gopal Krishna Maharaj. श्रील शुकदेव गोस्वामी महाराज परीक्षित को श्रीमद् भागवतम का समापन करने से पहले अंतिम स्कन्द 12 (अध्याय 2 व 3 ) में कलियुग के लक्षण इस प्रकार बताते हैं:–
कलियुग के प्रबल प्रभाव से धर्म, सत्य, पवित्रता, क्षमा, दया, आयु, शारीरिक बल तथा स्मरणशक्ति दिन प्रतिदिन क्षीण होते जायेंगे (SB.12.2.1) |
एकमात्र संपत्ति को ही मनुष्य के उत्तम जन्म, उचित व्यवहार तथा उत्तम गुणों का लक्षण माना जायेगा | कानून तथा न्याय मनुष्य के बल के अनुसार ही लागू होंगे (SB.12.2.2) |
पुरुष तथा स्त्रियाँ केवल उपरी आकर्षण के कारण एकसाथ रहेंगे और व्यापार की सफलता कपट पर निर्भर रहेगी | पुरुषत्व तथा स्त्रीत्व का निर्णय कामशास्त्र में उनकी निपुणता के अनुसार किया जायेगा और ब्राह्मणत्व जनेऊ पहनने पर निर्भर करेगा (SB.12.2.3) |
मनुष्य एक आश्रम को छोड़ कर दूसरे आश्रम को स्वीकार करेंगे | यदि किसी की जीविका उत्तम नही है तो उस व्यक्ति के औचित्य में सन्देह किया जायेगा | जो चिकनी चुपड़ी बातें बनाने में चतुर होगा वह विद्वान् पंडित माना जायेगा (SB.12.2.4) |
निर्धन व्यक्ति को असाधु माना जायेगा और दिखावे को गुण मान लिया जायेगा | विवाह मौखिक स्वीकृति के द्वारा व्यवस्थित होगा (SB.12.2.5) |
उदर-भरण जीवन का लक्ष्य बन जायेगा | जो व्यक्ति परिवार का पालन-पोषण कर सकता है, वह दक्ष समझा जायेगा | धर्म का अनुसरण मात्र यश के लिए किया जायेगा (SB.12.2.6) |
प्रथ्वी भ्रष्ट जनता से भरती जायेगी | समस्त वर्णों में से जो अपने को सबसे बलवान दिखला सकेगा, वह राजनैतिक शक्ति प्राप्त करेगा (SB.12.2.7) |
कलियुग समाप्त होने तक सभी प्राणियों के शरीर आकर में छोटे हों जायेंगें और धार्मिक सिद्धान्त विनिष्ट हो जायेंगे | राजा प्रायः चोर हो जायेंगे; लोगों का पेशा चोरी करना, झूंठ बोलना तथा व्यर्थ हिंसा करना हो जायेगा और सारे सामाजिक वर्ण शूद्रों के स्तर तक नीचे गिर जायेंगे | घर पवित्रता से रहित तथा सारे मनुष्य गधों जैसे हो जायेंगे (SB.12.2.12-15) |
कलियुग के दुर्गुणों के कारण मनुष्य क्षुद्र दृष्टि वाले, अभागे, पेटू, कामी तथा दरिद्र होंगे | स्त्रियाँ कुलटा होने से एक पुरुष को छोड़ कर बेरोक टोक दूसरे के पास चली जायेंगी (SB.12.3.31) |
शहरों में चोरों का दबदबा होगा | राजनैतिक नेता प्रजा का भक्षण करेंगे और तथाकथित पुरोहित तथा बुद्धिजीवी अपने पेट व जननांगों के भक्त होंगे (SB.12.3.32) |
ब्रह्मचारी अपने व्रतों को सम्पन्न नही कर सकेंगे और सामान्यता अस्वच्छ रहेंगे | सन्यासी लोग धन के लालची बन जायेंगे (SB.12.3.33) | व्यापारी लोग क्षुद्र व्यापार में लगे रहेंगे और धोखाधडी से धन कमायेंगे | आपात काल न होने पर भी लोग किसी भी अधम पेशे को अपनाने की सोचेंगे (SB.12.3.35) |
नौकर धन से रहित स्वामी को छोड़ देंगे भले ही वह सन्त सद्रश्य उत्कृष्ट आचरण का क्यों न हो | मालिक भी अक्षम नौकर को त्याग देंगे भले ही वह बहुत काल से उस परिवार में क्यों न रह रहा हो (SB.12.3.36) |
मनुष्य कंजूस तथा स्त्रियों द्वारा नियंत्रित होंगे | वे अपने पिता, भाई, अन्य सम्बन्धियों तथा मित्रों को त्याग कर साले तथा सालियों की संगति करेंगे (SB.12.3.37) |
शुद्र लोग भगवान् के नाम पर दान लेंगे और तपस्या का दिखावा कर, साधू का वेश धारण कर अपनी जीविका चलायेंगे | धर्म न जानने वाले उच्च आसन पर बैठेंगे और धार्मिक सिद्धांतों पर प्रवचन करने का ढोंग रचेंगे (SB.12.3.38) |
लोग थोड़े से सिक्कों के लिए शत्रुता ठान लेंगे | वे सारे मैत्रीपूर्ण सम्बन्धों को त्याग कर स्वयं मरने तथा अपने सम्बन्धियों को मार डालने पर उतारू हो जायेंगे (SB.12.3.41) |
लोग अपने बूढ़े माता-पिता, बच्चों व अपनी पत्नी की रक्षा नही कर पायेंगे तथा अपने पेट व जननांगों की तुष्टि में लगे रहेंगे (SB.12.3.42) |
हे राजन! कलियुग में लोगों की बुद्धि नास्तिकता के द्वारा विपथ हो जायेगी | तीनो लोकों के नियन्ता तक भगवान् के चरण-कमलों पर अपना शीश नवाते हैं, किन्तु इस युग के क्षुद्र एवं दुखी लोग ऐसा नही करेंगे (SB.12.3.43) |
अन्त में शुकदेव गोस्वामी कहते हैं: हे राजन! यधिपी कलियुग दोषों का सागर है फिर भी इस युग में एक अच्छा गुण है- केवल “हरे कृष्ण महामन्त्र” का कीर्तन करने से मनुष्य भवबन्धन से मुक्त हो जाता है और दिव्य धाम को प्राप्त होता है (SB.12.3.51) |
हे राजन! सत्ययुग में बिष्णु का ध्यान करने से, त्रेता युग में यज्ञ करने से तथा द्वापर युग में भगवान् के चरणकमलों की सेवा करने से जो फल प्राप्त होता है, वही कलियुग में केवल हरे कृष्ण महामंत्र के कीर्तन करके प्राप्त किया जा सकता है (SB.12.3.52) |
(ऐसा ही श्लोक विष्णु पुराण(6.2.17), पध्म पुराण (उत्तर खंड 72.25) तथा ब्रह्न्नारदीय पुराण (38.97) में भी पाया जाता है ) | हरे कृष्ण दण्डवत प्रणाम, आपका सेवक
Hari Hari Bol !! This is the amrit coming out of the manthan/discussion !!
Thanks a lot prabhu for HIndi Bhagavatam !! Do you have pdf of HIndi Bhagavatam 12th Chapter.
Hare Krishna !!
Hare Krishna Siddesh Prabhuji!!!!!!!!
Radhey! Radhey!
Thanks to share this post, at least the Devotee like you and others could give their best explanation about Bhakti Yog and the importance of Guru. It really would have helped to those devotees who were in the favor of these stupid non-devotees & rascals, who try to show them more intelligent in their films like OMG & P.K. These films are just based on their own principals who hardly know the vedic rituals and just the people who hardly offer their respect to Lord, who are eating other animals in their meal, who are enjoying the luxurious life and doing lot of irreligious activity.
How can we expect the truth who are the big liar in themselves. So please do not trust on these actors and movie makers otherwise all of you will stray from the path of Bhakti Yoga.
Your Humble Servant
Bhuwan Dutt Bawari
Hare Krishna
Actually there is no ritualistic defect to offer milk to Lord Shiva. It's mismanagement of that particular temples who drained all milk into the gutter, instead of distributing it among visitors. Just like when lord's deities got bathe daily, then that water is distributed as "Charnamtrita" among devotees.
So there's no question of wasting water either. And Does really temples are responsible for hungry people? What is govt. Doing about it? It's corruption of politicians that they can't rehabilitated those poor people. So why to blame temples. BTW Iskcon gives 15lakhs free meal daily to all, It's really great. Same with others authorised temples. They gives free meal service 24 hours to all category of people. Hence There's no question of poor people outside temples. Even Jesus Christ said, "The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me" . So our ultimate duty is to serve Lord and go back to Him. And this philanthropic work will keep Going on simultaneously. But real Manav seva is to engage people in Madhav seva So they could be purified and goes back to Godhead.
If any rituals which is recommended by shastras then, it is flawless. If anyone finds flaw in it, then that person is actual defective and a blooming idiot.
Well said
Mataji! It is clearly mentioned in Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita & Sri Mad Bhagwatam that there would be so many rascals appeared in the age of Kaliyug who will create a drama to be a saint or representative of God. They will misguide the major population of kaliyug because of less intellegency.
They will do all non-religious activity in the shadow of religion, They will make their own religion and their would be large number of blind followers of them. Now let's share the name of these baba: Ram Rahim, Sant Rampal, Asaram, Nirmal baba etc etc... we keep getting the news of frowardness of baba. So we should keep away from these fraudy. Now a days just for the sake of money we see lot of advertisement on Sadhna Channel, Astha Channel there is most popular cheater he is selling Lal Kitab and slogan is bas ab aur dukh nahi and he pay good amount of money to his lady anchors who make fool of inocent people.
So I request from all new devotee of who have been associated with ISKCON DESIRE TREE that please do comment but make sure that you know that whatever you are commenting that is correct as per our vedas and it should written documented proof.
Kindly visit ISKCON temple regularly and if really want to grow in Bhakti then follow above rules, yes your spritul guru should be a bonafide and he should come from guru parampara which is follow by ISKCON world wide.
Whatever i have stated these are all approved by founder acharya HIS HOLINESS BHAKTIVEDANT SWAMI SRILA PRABHUPAD.
I give you one example suppose there are so many brand of clothes in the market like rebok, nike etc etc they are open everywhere but if you go to a local multi brand shoe dealer and he sell you a fake product then he is not guilty, we are guilty because as we already know that these are big brands and exclusive store world wide then why purchase from the local multi brand dealer and the reason because of small amount of discount but at last we get fake products with wasting money and cheating.
similarly when there is ISKCON temples are build worldwide with full of Pure Devotees of the Lord and authorized bonafide spiritual master with full of knowledge of Vedic sculptures. So why to waste our valuable time with these stupids and culprits.
If could be possible try to avoid watching movies, stupid programees on your tv and spend your valuable time while Chanting, Reading (Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita & Sri Mad Bhagwatam, Srila Prabhupad Books), listening lectures, discussing about Lord's past time Glories with the Devotees, Kirtan and association of the devotees of the Lord.
If you really want to be happy then go above process, iam fully confident you always will be happy.
Hare Krishna Mataji!!!!
I think you have not read the Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Mad Bhgwatam and Our Respected Guru Dev Srila Prabhupad books with full of dedication. And if you have read them but could not understand the message and if you have understood the message but you are unable to apply this. I understand that Manav sewa is Madhav sewa but it needs to be understand properly. You know what are the stages of Bhakti:
I tell you As per mentioned in the Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita & Sri Mad Bhagwatam one who wants to be a pure devotee of Lord Krishna then you need to go throug this process:
1) Accept a bonafide spritual master and surrender onto the lotus feet of the Lord.
2)Chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra Daily (Minimum Commited Round should be 16 and it should be full of concerntration)
3) Eat only the remainants which is been offered to the Lord. That will be called Prasad not breakfast, lunch or dinner.
4) Daily reading of Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Mad Bhagwatam & other Vedic Literature after offering your puja.
5) Association of devotees & get diksha after applying these princepal in your daily life.
6) A devotee of the Lord should follow four regulative princepal: 1) No Meat eating (Include no onion, garlic)
2) No smoking/drinking/Intoxication ( Include no tea, coffee, chocolate)
3) No illicit sex
4) No gambling
If you follow above principasl then i accept all your comments but if you don't then. Kindly try to follow above rules. Now let's come on the main point of Manav Sewa & Madhav Sewa. If you follow above rules then who stop you to serve the poor people but the suffering of the poor people will never end because untill & unless we will not spread this Krishna Consciousness till then this suffering will remain as it is.
Now talk about these rascals who have been representing them as a saint or representative of God.
all our media channels are under MNC and Missionary control whose primary job is to defame Indian culture and bring foreign culture and make a suitable environment for their products and control indians and they are getting help from we indians only who for some bucks can do anything they want..
for example you all know ABP news, how many of us know what ABP means?
ABP is Associated Baptist Press
hence via such movies they try to control young generation so that they start to think that all spiritual leaders are same and all spiritual activities are bogus. this is the agenda...
see such channels will never show missionary conversion issues or any other religious conversion issues but only concentrate on sanatan dharma and defaming it.
its a high time that real spiritual leaders/devotees start explaining to mass about real love of Godhead....
Hare Krishna nidhi mataji,
Whatever you have said in this reply of yours seems alright but IMHO I think it's quite perilous approach for service.No harm in serving humanity with service attitude to Krishna but that shouldn't be the only thing that we do in devotional service.I mean that by your logic perhaps we can do away with making grand temples and serve humanity with bhav with that money.
I say if possible then do both things[keep humanity service and devotional service separate]OR if resources permit only one thing then do that which is more important.
I feel I write somewhat bitter replies[can't help it],so kindly forgive me for that.
Hare Krishna to all Matajis,Prabhujis & Devotees!!!!!!!!!
Radhey! Radhey!
I am very much satisfied with the comment of Gaurav & Harsh Prabhuji but my intention is not to hurt the sentiments of any other respected devotees. The movie which we are talking about that is spreading the wrong information in the society against our scriptures.
As i have discussed this subject in my office with the non-devotees of the Lord, they were directly saying that Bhuwanji please watch OMG, i said why they said you will come to know the reality. They were giving the same explanation as Nidhi Mataji was giving and at the same time they were making the fun of Lord and i was so angry and disappointed that i could fought with them if i were not working in the company.
Now suppose whatever they said i agree on it for few minute, now these colleague of mine after discussing the topic they order for non-veg food and party out. If they are such a sympathetic human being then why do not they stop eating that non-veg food which cost them around 500 rs for per order and insted of that they should feed the milk to poor kids but why they will do it.
It is easy to gossip on the topic like this but very difficult to act on it. How many of these serves to humanity, i think none.
They talk about to serve humanity. United Nation, WHO and there are lot of NGOs in the world who are do these humanity work but i want to ask one question from every one out there how many of them have been benefited and even after that have these problems have been over. The answer is no. Why? because this world is full of obstacles and here is no one is happy except pure devotees of the Lord Krishna, weather they are muslims, Christans, Jews or Hindus.
Lord Krishna tell Arjuna in Kurukshetra: leave all religion and surrender onto me, i will relive you from all your sin and protect you, do not fear.
Mataji in this material world we all are suffering due to our karma of our all last birth of previous life. It is only just because of that we do not surrender our karma to Lord. We do not centralized to Lord Krishna in our daily life and because of that only we all are suffering and affecting by our karma. Lord Krishna says to Arjuna in Kurukshetra: Its your responsibility to do your prescribe duty but you have no right on its fruits.
So my dear all Matajis, Prabhujis & Devotees please must Chant: HARE KRISHNA! HARE KRISHNA! KRISHNA KRISHNA! HARE HARE! HARE RAMA! HARE RAMA! RAMA RAMA! HARE HARE!
Read Sri Mad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Mad Bhagwatam and the books of our honerable Guru A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad & try to surrender yourself onto the Lotus Feet of a bonfafide Spritual Master. One more thing Please do visit ISKCON so that you will in touch with the Lord's devotees. I am a very very sin & fallen, and i don't stand anywhere in the spritual platform and i do not have strong knowledge but whatever i knew i shared with all my dear matajis, prabhujis & devotees.
Kindly apologies Nidhi Mataji for any of my mistake.
Your Humble Servant!!!!!
Bhuwan Dutt Bawari
Hare Krishna