About Smt.Radha Rani

Hare Krishna everyone , 


I am highly devotional teen ( 17 ) and i'm someone who considers smt.radha rani as mother so i call her Radha Maa. recently i've been through some quora pages that say there's no mention smt radha rani and she's fictional as theres no mention of her in any of the puranas and about her mention in the BV puraan that is added up many years later after the original one was written by Maharishi Ved Vyas. Also people say Smt Radha rani is krishna herself and other group of people say she is Lakshmi herself....


then comes the age thing over here....some say she's 9 months elder than Kanha , some say 6 month younger than Kanha and the haters say she's 24-26 years elder than Kanha. There's a mention of Radha-Krishna vivah in bandirvan...here comes one more doubt of mine. Krishna leaves vrindavan at what time what ive seen is either when he's 10-11 or when he's in his teenage. when did they both get married ?

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  • Sevak

    Hare Krsna 

    i've been through some quora pages

    Not reliable

    she's 9 months elder than Kanha

    Age is for the body not the soul. Ordinary living beings like us are bound in material body and under the controlling force of Time and age. The spirit soul is not bound by gender, age etc.

    na jāyate mriyate vā kadācin
    nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ
    ajo nityaḥ śāśvato ’yaṁ purāṇo
    na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre

    For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain. ( BG 2.20)

    Lord Sri Krsna is the Supreme creator of time and is beyond time, matter karma, nature etc. So these things or anything else cannto control Sri Krsna. Krsna is lover of His devotees. Even species doesn't matter. Lord Rama was very grateful to Hanuman who was in monkey's body. The pure love between Sri Krsna and His devotees is not bound by material lmitations like age, gender, karma, nature, body etc. The purity of love between Sri Krsna & Radha is the same as between Sri Rama and Hanuman and is the same as between Sri Narasimha and Prahlad. Sri Krsna's love is the most sublime in the creation and transcends everything. 

     she's fictional as theres no mention of her in any of the puranas and about her mention in the BV puraan that is added up many years later 

    This is illogical. So they are saying it is fictional because not given in shastra and when someone gives evidence from shastra they say it has been added later. Then the same can be said of all historic persoanlities. All are fictional and any evidence is added later.  Such nonsense is propagated by atheistic people. It doesn't change reality. This is what Sri Krsna says about such people

    na māṁ duṣkṛtino mūḍhāḥ
    prapadyante narādhamāḥ
    āsuraṁ bhāvam āśritāḥ

    Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me. ( BG 7.15)

    Such atheistic people are referred to as āsuraṁ bhāvam āśritāḥ  or as those of demoniac nature.

     Smt Radha rani is krishna herself and other group of people say she is Lakshmi herself.

    When it is said that Radharani is Krsna it means they have the same exact divine qualities most important being compassion towards fallen conditioned souls like us. 

    When Sri Krsna expands as Rama, Radharani expands as Sita. WHen Sri Krsna expands as Varaha, then Radharani expands as Bhoomi devi. When Sri Krsna expands as Narayana, Radharani expands as Lakshmi. Radharani is the divine counterpart of Sri Krsna who expands to fulfill the purpose of Sri Krsna and to give pleasure to Sri Krsna in His pastimes. 

    Hare Krsna


    • Hare Krishna 

      excellent and thank you for busting atheists...

      i read the padma puran and garg samhita chapter 22 vrindavan khand, now im sure narayan and krishna are the same whereas lakshmi and radha are same.....one resides in vaikunth while other in goloka

  • Don't expect many devotees at public forums, if any. To read them is the sure way to get confused.

    :no mention of her in any of the puranas and about her mention in the BV puraan that is added up many years later

    That's the standard talk of secularists who just repeat what previous ones claimed, all the way to first western indologists. There are many references to Sri Radha in Puranas and Pancaratras and I collected some on my website (spaces=dots, x=slashes)
    veda. harekrsna. czxencyclopediaxtattvas1.htm#3

    few examples:

    According to Visvanatha Cakravarti's commentary to SB 10.45.3 Krsna leaves for Mathura at 10 years 7 months.

    Srimati Radharani is fifteen years old and full of the luster of youth. (Radha-Krsna-ganoddesa-dipika 2.167)

    kanyAbhir dvy-aSTa-varSAbhiR - "Lord Krsna is surrounded by sixteen-year-old gopis." (Gautamiya Tantra, quoted in Priti sandarbha 285-286)

    Hari Hari
    ys J.

    • so if smt.radharani is 15 years old...so how old was shri krishna? same 10 years old or was he different in this one?


      • I've just added this:

        VCT adds in his BRS Bindu: "Even after that He everlastingly remains as kaisor. In His seventh year during the month of Boisakh this kaisor period has its commencement."
        Since gopis are 14-15 years old, Sri Krisna's age is sometimes given as 15 years 9 months 7 1/2 days. Srila Prabhupada mentions 15-16 years in his TLC Intro.
        One explanation could be that the time spent in Catikara is added. Another could be that Gokula/bhauma lila and Goloka/divya lila do differ, although this age discrepancy isn't elaborated on, afaik.

        So more pramana is welcome.

        Hari Hari
        ys J.

        •  read the padma puran and garg samhita chapter 22 vrindavan khand, now im sure narayan and krishna are the same whereas lakshmi and radha are same.....one resides in vaikunth while other in goloka

    • :spaces=dots

      correction: remove spaces in the link.

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