Krishna (4351)



     Hare Krishna!!!!!!!!!1

                                Pranam sabhi bhakto ko... plz help me to understand that only Krishna is the supreme or there is any other source or way to God and plz who is GOD? who are we? why should we come ? what is o

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2 Replies

Seeking Answers

Dear Rasika Prabhu,

Hare Krishna! You have mentioned in the previous discussion that the Mahabharata is considered as 5th Veda. Now the Vedas generally means knowledge about material, spiritual & about Gods. But the Mahabharata is filled with cheating

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11 Replies

avoiding sleep


as devotees are recommended not to take tea or coffee, I wish to know how to keep oneself awake when feel drowsy during day time especially during the exam days? is there any effective anti-dote for sleep.

tank you


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17 Replies

missing bead on japa mala

I received a japa mala from a brahmachari that only has 107 regular beads and 1 large one, and it is my understanding that there are suppose to be 108 regular beads with 1 large bead. does this mean that I need to get a new mala?
I feel to follow trad

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1 Reply

Life on moon?

HARE KRISHNAMoon belongs to the Svarloka planetary system and the duration of life on moon, according to Vedic information is ten thousand years and one day there is equal to six months here .Moon is a material planet , if life is there on moon than

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7 Replies

Putrada ekadasi

hare krishna to all devotees....

i would like to ask why putrada ekadasi favours fasting for son which is purely materialistic desire and wish and this is indirectly  differentiates between girl and boy while both are same for Krishna and children of

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