money sweeter than honey the art of makin- money

laxmi narayana or-----

when you are after money there are bees which stin-s[ day duty ni-ht duty battlefield under water for money] after many yrs in my nearin old a-e i am want to make little money

devotees are very kind can any one tell me the art of makin- money so i can peacefully perform my krsna conscious iam tired of temporary boss hare krsna

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  • Volunteer

    I think it is better to aim Higher, to be a devotee than to work for a little money.

    As a devotee, you can take birth in heavenly planets and enjoy material life if you wish, on the contrary, if you get stuck working like the 4 legged animal, thinking oh my God I am making x$x50 Rs. and put in 12 hr days or longer, it will effect your spiritual life.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna,


    His Divine Grace, A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has given explanations on the topic of money in a few books but especially in the Srimad Bhagavatam 7th Canto, page 199: 


    "Money is so dear that one conceives of money as being sweeter than honey. Therefore, who can give up the desire to accumulate money, especially in household life? Thieves, professional servants [soldiers]
    and merchants try to acquire money even by risking their very dear lives." 


    "How money can be dearer than life is indicated in this verse. Thieves may enter the house of a rich man to steal money at the risk of their lives. Because of trespassing, they may be killed by guns or attacked by
    watchdogs, but still they try to commit burglary. Why do they risk their lives? Only to get some money. Similarly, a professional soldier is recruited into the army, and he accepts such service, with the risk of
    dying on the battlefield, only for the sake of money. In the same way, merchants go from one country to another on boats at the risk of their lives, or they dive into the water of the sea to collect pearls and
    valuable gems. Thus it is practically proved--and everyone will admit-- that money is sweeter than honey. One may risk everything to acquire money, and this is especially true of rich men who are too attached to household life."


    "Especially in these days, people do not believe in a next life or in the court of Yamaraja and the various punishments of the sinful. But at least one should know that one who cheats others to acquire money will be
    punished by the laws of the government."


    The Bhagavad Gita also includes very good instructions on work, money and duty.

    "A Krsna conscious person does not make much endeavor even to maintain his body. He is satisfied with gains which are obtained of their own accord. He neither begs nor borrows, but he labors honestly as far as is in his power, and is satisfied with whatever is obtained by his own honest labor. He is therefore independant in his livelihood. He does not allow anyone’s service to hamper his own service in Kåñëa consciousness. However, for the service of the Lord he can participate in any kind of action without being disturbed by the duality of the material world."


    "In this material world, in order to maintain the body one has to work. Human society is divided, according to work, into four divisions of social order—brähmana, kshatriya, vaisya, südra. The brähmana class or intelligent class is working in one way, the kshatriya or administrative class is working in another way, and the mercantile class and the laborers are all tending to their specific duties. In the human society, whether one is a laborer, merchant, warrior, administrator, or farmer, or even if one belongs to the highest class and is a literary man, a scientist or a theologian, he has to work in order to maintain his existence."


    "There are three considerations here: prescribed duties, capricious work, and inaction. Prescribed duties refer to activities performed while one is in the modes of material nature. Capricious work means actions without the sanction of authority, and inaction means not performing one’s prescribed duties. The Lord advised that Arjuna not be inactive, but that he perform his prescribed duty without being attached to the result. One who is attached to the result of his work is also the cause of the action. Thus he is the enjoyer or sufferer of the result of such actions.

    As far as prescribed duties are concerned, they can be fitted into three subdivisions, namely routine work, emergency work and desired activities. Routine work, in terms of the scriptural injunctions, is done without desire for results. As one has to do it, obligatory work is action in the mode of goodness. Work with results becomes the cause of bondage; therefore such work is not auspicious. Everyone has his proprietory right in regard to prescribed duties, but should act without attachment to the result; such disinterested obligatory duties doubtlessly lead one to the path of liberation."


    "Arjuna was therefore advised by the Lord to fight as a matter of duty without attachment to the result. His nonparticipation in the battle is another side of attachment. Such attachment never leads one to the path of salvation. Any attachment, positive or negative, is cause for bondage. Inaction is sinful. Therefore, fighting as a matter of duty was the only auspicious path of salvation for Arjuna."


    I hope these examples will help you to understand. If you are getting too old to work and do not have a family, then

    you should consider working just a little to earn a simple living and spend the rest of time singing kirtan with devotees

    or going to Vrndavana (if you can). Yes, having a boss is always hard it is advised to work without attachment for money, pray to Krsna and depend on Him only for your maintenance. If you are patient and have faith, you will feel less tired and things will improve naturally.


    Hari Bol,

    • hare krsna


      thank you prabhu for repeatin- the words of a pure devotee

      i really appreciate it and try to increase my faith

      in my school days a friend durin- farewell had wrote to me

      which  istill remember i shall share with you

      when money is plenty friends are plenty

      when pocket is empty friends are 420  it applies on the material platform in krsna consciousness devotees are the well wisher of all livin- entity


      hare krsna

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