Krishna (4351)


what is dreaming about krsna,devotees,esteem personalities in the spiritual field,seeking their blessings in dreams,having a high estimational level,most of thm time tht 1 says cums 2 b true,dreaming abt past,present,future of anyone,somone tht the p

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past life????

Hare krishna prabhujis and matajis..... all glories to srila prabhupada........


yesterday one of my asked me how can i believe we have births again and again in any of 84L. what is the proof for that??

and what is proof for our present life is based o

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haribol dr parents crtize iskon,devotees and krsna..constantly..i am not able 2 convince them about the pros of krsna consciousness..and how scientific is ths movement..because of them even 2 chant the holy name,preparing prashadam,going

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5 Replies


haribol dr parents crtize iskon,devotees and krsna..constantly..i am not able 2 convince them about the pros of krsna consciousness..and how scientific is ths movement..because of them even 2 chant the holy name,preparing prashadam,going

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11 Replies
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