Krishna (4351)

about the spritual authourity?

hare krsna and dandavat to all the dear devotees,

its said that we should have the spritual authourity as when we try to progress in KC. but if the authourity is always busy then wat will b the best way to share our emotions? like should we talk to ve

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regarding buying books

Hare Krishna to all the devotes their ,want to know how can i get books easily sitting at home as i have got married on such family that i don't get permission to go outside plz i request that anyone who can provide me books related to Krishna so tha

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Hare Krsna Dear Sri Krsna devotees !

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his faithful servitors!

We are pleased to introduce you a CD (relevant to this topic of married life) of compiled lectures of our beloved teach

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how to live via BG?

its said even if we read 1 sloka of Bagawad gita we can be successful.. but life in KC is not like that ..we have to try to follow as much as possible.. so how can we do that? like for let say  krsna says by practice and detachment its posible to con

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concerned in eating??

hare krsna, dandavat to all the dear devotess..

i would like to ask, it is said not to eat food prepared by non devotees and also not to associate with the materialist people..but certainly it is not possible at all time (even goes to our family who a

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