Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Can the Earth be destroyed by such flood or other natural phenomenon? Or it is only destructed at the time of God-decided annihilation?

Now Scientists say in the year of 2036 a large devastation on earth might take plac. Can all these destroy the God's made Earth?

Just Servant

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    Think about it like this Prabhu:

    We all have a pre-destined death day, but this doesn't mean a) we won't get sick, b) have some sort of accident, c) have a near-death experience. 

    Further, it is mentioned in various religions and their respective literature that nothing happens without the will of the Supreme Lord. So if a large devastation on earth must take place, it will take place. It isn't going to blow up the Earth or anything, because the destruction of the Earth, let alone the entire cosmos is very far away. We are only in the afternoon of Brahma's day ... 2036 is by no means when Brahma goes to sleep. That being said, there are natural disasters that occur in the material world, which is all part of one of the ways we suffer.   

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