Krishna (4351)

Offering food

Hare Krishna devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.I want to ask is there any ritual which we have to follow before offering food to God or can we offer food 3 times in a day because in iskcon temples food is o

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Looking for a Job

Hare Krishna Prabhujis n Matajis....

All the glories to Krishna, Guru and Vaisanavas....

I reside in Delhi and looking for a change....It will be really great if I get a job in a Company whose owner is Krishna conscious or there is some Prabhuji or Mat

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Non veg

Hare Krishna,

If a Muslim or christian or even low caste Hindu eats non veg will he get the same sin as a Hindu brahmin eating or Brahmin will get more sin if he eats and others get comparitively lesser sin?

 your servant

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Challenges in Life

The scriptures state that human life is full of miseries. A devotee sees these miseries and understands that material entanglemment is futile and hence surrenders to Krishna. Whereas there many other materialists / non devotees who dont get bogged do

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How to face questions?

Hare krishna to all devotees,Yesterday i went to vaishnodevi temple, ahmedabad with my in-laws, and there, before leaving temple, the priest use to give a small silver like coin to all who came there for worship, saying that the coin will bring them

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Lost in Myself

All Glories to srilaprabhupad

why so much of suffering in my life,i lost my job,since frm last 3 motnhs im at home not doing anything i just do chat sometimes and visit temple on sundays and prerna festival,

But i have experienced the power of krishna

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"is he ekadasi?"

so i am in a dream, I am using a discus and decapitating a lot of people it seems that we are in a war of sorts, i become conscious or rather lucid while the massacre is going on.,

to not harm people i take my own discus and decapitate myself;

then lik

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