14th feb

hare krsna.pamho ..............
Ma birthday is on 14th feb,just few days 2 go........nd m gonna turn 18...............
i wanna do smthing diff dis time...........smthing which wil mak ma life meaningful...........plz suggest me wht 2 do...................
ur servant

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  • Sevak

    Haribol ! Happy birthday in advance

    Scriptures say that eating mating sleeping defending is what most of the living entities do most of the time. Since you wish to do something "different" and "meaningful" I suggest that you do selfless service to devotees and lord.

    For this you can try absorbing in Holy name while chanting by putting extra effort in hearing the Mahamantra. You could read certain sections of Srimad Bhagavatam that inspire you, group reading would be much better if possible. And also if time permits learn and cook a new dish for Krishna and feed the devotees.

    Happy Birthday

  • Volunteer

    When I was in Vrindavan near Brahamavimohan leela place, one devotee was giving the class about the past time and was explaining that it happened on the Birthday of Lord Blaram and hence he was not present with Krishna on that day. Further he explained how Nanda maharaj gave in charity lot of wealth and cows to qualified brahamanas and also distributed food for every one. If you desire so, you can give some laxmi as charity to temple and also sponsor  prasadam for all devotees in temple. The whole idea behind this is to get the blessings of devotees as Maral mataji rightly pointed out.

    Many devotees usually sponsor the sunday feast prasadam on such occasions.

  • Volunteer

    wow firstly very nice to see You again in the Forum dear Dixa Mataji! :-)

    Secondly, You are turning 18 and it is honorable that You are using Your youth for Krishna. Krishna will never forget it.

    when i turned 19, for the first time i had a wonderful birthday.

    and i still remember.

    We celebrated in our small Temple. My mom gave some charity and we cooked simple Prasadam and all the Devotees after doing Kirtan sat together and honored Prasadam. That day all the Devotees gave so many blessings, and i think their blessings only give me strength to chant the Holy Names.

    Your servant,  

  • Hare Krishna Mataji  you can start the day attending the temple mangalarati at 4.30 am ,kirtan ,tulsi puja and take lord krishnas,sri radha,.....&  prabhupada darshan 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Mataji. Dandavat Pranam . All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    Go to near by Iskcon temple get some Bhagavad Gita and distribute it to the youth generation on that day.

    your aspiring servant

    Hari bol

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