Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I originally intended this group for philosophical discussions among Latvian speaking devotees. Since I was not able to find many devotees interested in such discussions, hoping to be able to better serve devotees, I decided to change both the language and the theme of this group.

I am very inspired by the instructions of Srila Prabhupada and his followers on simple life and high thinking. Since spring 2012, I have been trying to live and practice Krishna consciousness in a simple rural environment, with its austerities, challenges an rewards. All devotees who are in any way connected to or interested in practicing Krishna consciousness in a rural environment are cordially invited to share their philosophical thoughts and practical experiences in this matter.

Krishna consciousness is transcendental to all mundane situations. One does not need to move to countryside to develop pure love for Krishna and go back to Godhead. Many of the greatest devotees spend much of their time travelling from one big city to another, sharing Krishna consciousness with as many people as possible. Others take great austerities to serve and maintain their ISKCON preaching centers and projects in the cities, thus earning the mercy of Guru and Krishna. Simple and natural life is not spiritual on its own. But Srila Prabhupada wanted devotees to also live and demonstrate a simple life in the countryside, and the rural environment and village life is in many ways the most natural and conducive situation for living a full, happy and healthy human life and remaining in spiritual consciousness.

I will try to regularly share here authoritative philosophy along with my own experience on simple life and high thinking, and I heartily invite other devotees to do the same. Please share your questions/desires/sugestions on how it could be improved. 

Hare Krishna!

Your humble servant,
Madhavi-lata d.d.

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  • Hare krishna all
  • Volunteer

    Harē Krišna, Matadžī!

    Lūdzu pieņemiet manus cieņas apliecinājumus!

    Lai slavēts Šrīla Prabhupāda!

    Nekas, ka nav daudz. Runāsim par Krišnu, gan jau kāds pievienosies.

    Paldies par Jūsu interesi!

    Jūsu kalpone Mldd

    Ja ne citi, tad vismaz padievi :-)

  • Sveiki, Hare Krišna. Nav te pagaidām daudz ļaužu.

  • Volunteer

    Dear Mataji Maral,

    Please accept my humble obeisances.

    Thank you Mataji, I added links to ISKCON Latvia website and Facebook page of daily Deity darshan. Trying to set up things here, inviting people... Thank you for your wonderful association and support.

    Your servant

  • Volunteer

    Also please Mataji, tell about Devotees in Latvia and how things are going on there! Maybe few photos of Deities, Temple, Devotees...?!

    Interesting! :)

    Thank You!

    Your servant, bhaktin mara

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Mayapur Gurukula Breakfast Preparation Video with H.H. Bhaktividya Purna Swami

 HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami in this video: "The Vedic concept is that one's lifestyle and one's philosophy, that should be consistent. Otherwise then one's life and one's values may be different, and that will cause disturbance on the mind, in the intelligence and in one's identity, and therefore will cause social unrest. So the Vedic concept is that we should be simple in our living, but very elevated in our thinking and development of the mind." 

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Changes in this Group - Pārmaiņas šajā grupā

Dear Devotees,Please accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.I originally intended this group for philosophical discussions among Latvian speaking devotees. Personally I very much like learning and discussing Krishna conscious philosophy. However, I was not able to find many Latvian speaking devotees interested in such discussions. Therefore, hoping to be able to better serve devotees, I have decided to shortly change both the language and the theme of this group.I am very…

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26 Svētu cilvēku īpašības - 3. daļa

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