Search Results (295)

Let us visit by Bhaktimarga Swami


I had no opportunity to touch nature today, other than the five kilometre brisk walk from Union Station to the ashram. Yes, it was fresh and early. Our train from Ottawa left us still for over two hours near Pickering, which landed us at our destination at 1:30 am. I wheeled my suitcase once again down the stretch. Good for wheels. Good for legs.

Planned for the day was two home visits where both parties expressed the desire for lamp offerings to the figurines of Krishna and Yasodha, His mom.

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Last Days Of Kartika- Bhisma Panchaka 2023!


Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in Kuru dynasty. The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik, the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said to commemorate the life of Grandfather Bhismadev, a key figure in the history of India, one who is known as a powerful warrior and commander-in-chief of the royal army who renou

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9775793857?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Sunanda Das

Forty-four years ago this year, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada left this world for the divine abode of Sri Krishna and His pastimes. During his empowered life as a preacher of Krishna consciousness from 1965-1977, he accomplished more than practically any acharya in history, bringing the opportunity for the highest attainment of Goloka Vrindaban to millions of souls throughout the world. We are brought to tears no longer having his association in our midst.

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"Mother Yashoda’s love is unmatched in purity and is unlike any other that even the infinite Lord who pervades the entire creation is bound by her love."

“Because mother loves the most…in this material world, there is no comparison of mother's love. Without any exchange. Even in this material world. Mother loves the child without any expectation of return generally…that is called unalloyed love. Anyabhilasita-sunyam, free from all material gain.”- Srila Prabhupada Srimad-Bhagavatam1.8.31 lectur

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8231352695?profile=RESIZE_584xAmidst the Covid situation of this year, pilgrims from far and across the country are visiting Sri Dham Mayapur during this auspicious period of the year to partake in the various auspicious pastimes of the Lord. From Govardhana Puja celebration, to Gopastami, down to the most auspicious days of Bhisma Pancha, Devotees all over the Dham are observing various vrata, taking cold and auspicious bath in Ganga while reciting various sacred mantras, offering seva to our Mayapur Goshala, Sri Radha Madh

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8217023261?profile=RESIZE_584xThe last five days of Kartika month are known as Bhisma Panchaka. Grandfather Bhishma fasted for these five days, preparing to give up his life. One serious in bhakti should observe Kartika-vrata, and he should intensify it for the last five days.

The best way to observe Bhisma Panchaka is to abstain from eating grains and be fully absorbed in the Holy name of the Lord, and to take only milk or water for the last five days. If one has one eaten grain during the month of Kartika, he should avoid

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A Birthday by Bhaktimarga Swami

The boiler in our building has some challenges; it’s leaving the interior rather cool in temperature. Govinda’s Restaurant, located inside, is warm, however, it’s being heated by a separate unit. I hung out here for a good portion of the day until it was time to go for my walk in the direction of Dhira Nitai’s home. It’s his birthday. He is sixty-nine today.
I made my way through Rosedale, then onto the Danforth to what is known as Greektown, and just before I entered a growing Islamic comm
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Bhisma-panchaka is five days dedicated to Bhismadev, The son of mother Ganga and his father King Shantanu-Bhismah santanavo birah. He is the Grandfather of Pandavas, descendant of Great king Bharata in Kuru dynasty .The period falls in the last 5 days of the month Kartik,the resounding 5 days of chaturmasya. It is said to commemorate the life of Grandfather Bhismadev, a key figure in the history of India, one who is known as a powerful warrior and commander-in-chief of the royal army who renoun

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The Stolen River, the multiple award-winning documentary about the River Yamuna has been released for public screening in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. The film is now available in six languages: English, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. 

In celebration of the holy month of Kartik, communities who are wishing to entertain their guests with a heart-rending but inspiring story of young Brajabhasi environmental activists trying to save their sacred land and

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By Madhava Smullen

A new bhakta director and youth preacher at ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai has been taking new devotees and their parents on spiritual retreats together. The results? Deeper relationships, and unfavorable parents becoming favorable to Krishna consciousness and in some cases taking up the path themselves.

Chakravarti Das works with the Mumbai chapter of CHOICE (Center for Heritage of Indian Culture and Education). The program sees devotees renting an apartment near a college, and accommo

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By Giriraj dasa

There so many benedictions for the month of Kartika and we get constant reminders via email, messages on mobile and so many other mediums. The list grows only bigger by the day.

“In the month of Kartik, which is very dear to Sri Hari, one who bathes early in the morning attains the merit of bathing in all places of pilgrimage. Anybody who offers the Lord a ghee lamp in the month of Kartik, O brahmana, becomes free from all kinds of sins, such as killing a brahmana, and he goes t

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Urja-Vrata By Vaisesika Dasa



Having heard that the Lord gives special consideration to those who reside in the area of Mathura during Kartika, devotees from all over the world are pouring in to Vrndavana Mandala to observe the urja-vrata.
Here are some of the benefits of observing Urja-vrata
In the Nectar of Devotion, Srila Prabhupada gives an indication of the special mercy available during Karttika month:
“The execution of devotional service during Urja-vrata in the month of Karttika is especially recommended to b
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Conquering the Lord of All Creations


"Mother Yashoda’s love is unmatched in purity and is unlike any other that even the infinite Lord who pervades the entire creation is bound by her love."

“Because mother loves the most…in this material world, there is no comparison of mother's love. Without any exchange. Even in this material world. Mother loves the child without any expectation of return generally…that is called unalloyed love. Anyabhilasita-sunyam, free from all material gain.”- Srila Prabhupada Srimad-Bhagavatam1.8.31 lectu

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By Vaikunthanath das

It is a miracle of good fortune that Srila Prabhupada’s disciple, Saradiya dasi, should leave her physical body on the very day of the Sri Krsna Saradiya Rasa-yatra (October 5, 2017). She left at 6:15 a.m. San Diego time. The time zone in India is twelve and a half hours ahead of California, so it was 6:45 p.m. in Vrindaban at that moment. The moon rose at 6:03 p.m. in Vrindaban. So Saradiya left her body just as the moon was rising above the horizon in Sri Vrindaban Dham.

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Vraja-mandala Parikrama 2016

Dear Devotees

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to ISKCON 50!!

The holy and auspicious month of Kartik commences on 17 October 2016. This
year we have been commemorating ISKCON’s Golden Jubilee Anniversary. 2016
has been filled with so many glorious activities commemorating this
milestone in the history of ISKCON.

This year is really and truly special. The theme for this year’s
Vraja-mandala Parikrama carries forward the 50th Anniver

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Dates: Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June 2016

Invitation to participate by HG Dayal Mora dasa, ISKCON-London Brahmacari Ashram Leader

The inspiration behind the Padayatra

Padayatra is an excellent way to reach the public and show that the Hare Krishna’s really practice what they preach. As a mobile Temple, Padayatra simultaneously preaches Harinama Sankirtana, book distribution, prasadam distribution, deity worship, cow protection and the lifestyle of “simple living and high thinking” in har

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Kirtan Academy in Mayapur

Hare Krishna
Dandavat pranam
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

For the third consecutive year, just after kartik ends, Kirtan Academy will open its doors in Sri Mayapur Dham.

The course will run from November 20th to February

Our teachers are HH Sacinandana Swami, HH Brhat Bhagavat Swami, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami, HG Mahatma Prabhu, HG Rajendra Nandan Prabhu, HG Naru Gopal Prabhu and others.

The structure of the course is as follows:

1. Nama Tattva, as given to us by S

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A pure Vaishnava


Hare Krishna.

I have always been more interested in philosophy in my journey of Krishna consciousness though I started a liking for `kathaa' in the last few months. Some time back I downloaded a 7 day Bhagavad Katha by HG Sarvabhouma Prabhuji and during a conversation with Karuna Prabhuji, Punjabi Bagh temple, I shared with him how much I relished it. It was full of nectar. He agreed with me and asked me if I have heard lectures of HH Radha Govind Maharaj. I rep
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The Glories of Purushottama Month (from the Padma Purana)

Once upon a time, thousands of sages came together in the holy place called Naimisaranya to perform sacrifice. To their very good fortune the great sage Suta Goswami, who had been traveling to different pilgrimage sites, arrived there along with his disciples. The sages present were very enlivened to see him. They all stood up immediately to pay their respects to the great sage, offered him a very nice Vyasasana, and requested him with fol

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Translated from Padma Purana

Once upon a time, thousands of sages came together in the holy place called Naimisaranya to perform sacrifice. To their very good fortune the great sage Suta Goswami, who had been traveling to different pilgrimage sites, arrived there along with his disciples. The sages present were very enlivened to see him. They all stood up immediately to pay their respects to the great sage, offered him a very nice Vyasasana, and requested him with folded hands to sit down on it.


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