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By Giriraj Swami 

Last night I was blessed to visit with my dear godbrother His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami at his residence at Govardhana. Upon my arrival, he graciously greeted me with the verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.13.10)

bhavad-vidha bhagavatas
  tirtha-bhutaù svayam vibho
tirthi-kurvanti tirthani
  svantah-sthena gadabhrta

“My Lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all plac

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The Beach / The Farm by Bhaktimarga Swami


I couldn’t resist bringing my dear friend, Kalakantha, to the Beaches area of the city, not for a swim and certainly not for any gazing at scantily clad beach lovers. We are not like that and besides, it is much too cold for swimwear only. The favourable 19⁰ Celsius is, however, unique for this time of the year. The reason for any recommendation to invite him and members of the Bhakti Academy to the sand and sun was that, historically, it was at the Beaches boardwalk that our guru, Prabhupada,

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Hare Krishna Calendar 2023


» January

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Give Thanks to Whom?

At the end of this month the people of America celebrate “Thanksgiving”. As the title implies, the whole purpose of this event is to stop and become consciously grateful for the things we have each been given particularly in the area of bountiful food. Traditionally it is God, the Supreme Lord who we thank to for the gifts of the wonderful harvest and the blessings of family, friends, and good health etc.

For those who acknowledge the personal concept of God Thanksgiving is

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Memorial for Sudama by Omkara Devi Dasi



Memoires of Sudama Maharaj Leaving His Body And My Experiences Taking Care of Him

August 5, 2008

I pay my respectful obeisances to my loving Spiritual Master A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, my eternal guru whom I love and thank for giving me the Hare Krishna mantra and instructions on devotional service. I pay my obeisances to all the assembled devotees who I know, whom I don’t know but am spiritually related to and to all the spirit souls I have known in this lifetime that have left the

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ISKCON Governing Body Commission Society
Under the Societies Registration Act, West Bengal
Registration Number: S/74662
Regd. Office: Sri Mayapur Dist. Nadia, West Bengal, INDIA 741313

Official Statement of the Governing Body Commission Regarding Abuse in Mayapur and the CPO Decision Against (the former) Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, aka Anirdesya Vapu dasa

November 24, 2022

Dear ISKCON Devotees and Friends,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


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CPO NA Restrictions on BVP


The ISKCON North American Council (NAC), headed by five members of the Governing Body Commission (GBC) with geographical responsibility in the United States and Canada, fully endorses and will comply with the 28th October 2022 ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection (ICOCP) restrictions on ISKCON’s relationship with Alan Ross Wexler, also known as Bhaktividya Purna, previously Swami, and as Anirdesya Vapu dasa (first initiated name).

The NAC condemns in the strongest possible terms both child

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Happy As Can Be by Bhaktimarga Swami


I am taking my daily dose of herbs in powder form. Called turmeric ashwagandha, it is marketed as golden milk powder or adaptogenic elixir. This superfood is helping to build some strength but it is definitely not everything. While still waiting for a report on more blood tests, I remain faithful to the walking culture that I am so much a part of. This regimen is keeping me going.

After a heartily greet with dear friend,

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ISKCON Gurugram Temple near Badshahpur , on Sohna Road is gearing up for inauguration. The grand ceremony will take place from 26th to 27th November. Haryana Governor, Sri Bandaru Dattatreya, will be Chief Guest at the event. There will also be the presence of ISKCON GBC Leaders – HH Gopal Krishna Goswami, HH Loknath Swami, and HH Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami from the US.
This temple is situated at just a 30 minute drive from the Delhi International Airport.

This complex was donated by ‘Acharya

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8531407652?profile=RESIZE_584xSo, let us just look at the phone. Because that is the issue of the day. It is the phone that is being used in the name of pushing on this movement, that is destroying this movement. It is a crisis, an addiction. Very addictive thing. Try not to touch it and see how long you can. How long can you not touch it? Do not touch it! There, we can see how it creeps in little by little. We are using all these electronics in the service of Krsna. And then these electronics are taking over our life and gr

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Raccoon *On Cameron* by Bhaktimarga Swami


It was a special treat to have an interview hosted by Winnipeg resident, Pravasi Divya, a writer for newspaper Prabhasi India. She was keen to know about my entering into monkhood. In addition to that history, she was curious about the ultimate monk, Chaitanya, as well as my walking ventures. I hope she comes up with a great article that will enthuse its readers to get out of the comfort zone and cultivate more the spiritual side of life.

The evening’s Gita Chat also touched on the point of pul

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16 years ago, after graduating from UCL with a management degree, I opted to leave it aside and embrace monastic life instead. Ironically, it’s all come full circle; dealing with people, projects and practicalities is a sizable section on the modern monastic menu. I must have some management karma to burn off. Balancing spiritual immersion and practical politics, however, is incredibly challenging.

You have to be alert, streetwise, tuned in, and sensitive enough to deal with the complexities an

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AnchorTrue to the ancient aphorism that “one is known by the company he keeps”, in any endeavour one’s chances of success is determined by the association he cultivates. The higher the goal, the tighter this close-knit association of like minded people is required for success. Attainment of Sudh Bhakti, being one of the highest goals of life, demands an even stricter and absolute adherence to this principle. This infallible wisdom is dexterously interwoven by Srila Rupa Goswami in upde

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Cleanliness In The Home

Essential Items 
Always bathe after: 
o Passing Stool 
o Shaving 
o Having sex 
o Going to a crematorium 
o Cutting your nails or hair 
o Rising in the morning 
o Cleaning your teeth 
Always wash your hands before: 
o Taking prasäda 
o Touching the deities or the altar 
Always wash your hands after touching: 
o Eating prasäda or drinking water 
o The inside of the mouth, nose or ears 
o Touching a broom or dust-pan and brush 
o Toilet & toilet brush 
o Unclean items 
Always perform äc
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Abusive / Destructive by Bhaktimarga Swami


The world recognizes abusive situation physical, sexual, psychological, etc. This poem is directed more towards abuse in the home.

Why are we so cruel to each other?

And why should anyone even bother?

The world, full of secret darkness so covert

And undeniable aggressions so overt

Unsettle all souls of tender worth

And destroy the rights of one from birth

The chronic evil of domestic violence

Is killing millions of voices now left in silence


Victims are many in and out of the home

With a stri

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By Achyut Gopal Das
I came to stay in our ISKCON Vasco ashram for a while. I bought only one pair of dhoti - kurta other than what I was wearing thinking that I will keep going back and forth to our Panjim ashram, where I usually stay. But, it so happened that I didn't get any chance of going to Panjim for the last 20 days and somehow, I didn't find the need for it too. I guess, I have learnt to happily manage with just two pairs of dhoti - kurta. It was quite a revelation for me - that it
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In 1975 Srila Prabhupada visited Govinda’s restaurant in Honolulu, Hawaii. I think it was the first Govinda’s in Iskcon, although at it’s second location in the University area.

The devotees working there were eager to serve their Spiritual Master the day he came to see the restaurant. He was very happy to visit a place where Prasadam was distributed, after all, it is the ‘secret weapon.’ He tried a few items. He had a fresh salad. He didn’t care for the mound of alfalfa sprouts that were gener

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(Photo names left to right)
H.G. Radharchana Mataji (MC), H.G. Surangi Mataji (wife of DN Pr.), Ms. Manju Gupta (Chairman of Lupin group of companies), H.H. Guruprasad Swami Maharaj (Vice chairman of GBC), Sri Balkrishna Goenka (Chairman of Welspun group), Sri Ashok Goel (Chairman of Essel group), H.G. Devakinandan Das (GBC minister for Fundraising & ISKCON Bureau member), Sri Sajjan Jindal (Chairman of JSW group & Mayapur Heritage City Development), Sri Shishir Nevatia (Chairman of Sun Jewel a

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By Bhakti Rasa Devi Dasi  

On November 6, 2022, Iskcon Cidade São Paulo held another Ratha Yatra, which took Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra to Avenida Paulista, where thousands of people watched and followed the parade of the Deities.

Despite the unpredictability of the weather, roadblocks that could have prevented the arrival of the car, costs, and all the necessary logistics for such a large event, the reunion of Lord Jagannatha with His devotees aroused intense emotions and sprea

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Sunday Funday by Bhaktimarga Swami


The current temperatures in some parts of Canada are unseasonably warm and out east, in Nova Scotia, we are enjoying the benefits of this favourable climate with 20⁰ Celsius in our midst. The situation compelled a number of us to absorb as much vitamin D as possible by hitting the trails that take us through hard and softwood trees, lakes and ponds and rocks at both sides, only to be interrupted by the occasional development site. For me it was a straight trek – fast but not furious trek – and

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