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Connecting with Spiritual Master in his physical absence
710) It's often said that an aspiring devotee should never try to approach
Krishna directly, that Krishna is pleased when we serve Him by serving His
devotees, or that one should only try to approach Krishna through the
Spiritual Master. I have also heard that rather than trying to serve
Krishna directly, one should beg for mercy from Srimati Radharani to be
allowed to serve Sri Krishn
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Neophyte means no independent decisions, no free will, that means surrender. But when he is trained up then automatically he gets his freedom. Just like a small child can only eat such things which are sanctioned by his parents, not by his own discretion.
Letter to Yajnesvara -- Bombay 2 January, 1972: Your next question was about the free will, whether we have it or not? If one is not intelligent enough for making for making decisions, then all decisions shall be sanctioned by the spiritual mast
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HDG Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance day this year in Moscow, Russia was a heavy, sober reminder of spiritual loss to all the devotees of ISKCON Moscow. By Lord Krsna's arrangement, an unusual event took place here. There was the celebration of two departures of devotees in ISKCON -- our Beloved Srila Prabhupada and his beloved disciple, my Godbrother HH Purnachandra Swami.
The ceremonies were lush and loving with kirtans, bhajans, flowers and pushpunjali, arotiks and words of appreciation. HH Ni
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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Nanda Baithaka


Vrajesvara Maharaja Nanda would regurarly sit here with his elder and younger brothers, as well as with elderly gopas, priests and so on, to discuss Krsna's well-being. It is called a baithaka because they would sit here together for discussions.

Seven-year-old Krsna held Giriraja-Govardhana for seven days on His little finger and thus smashed the pride of Indra. The astonished elderly gopas called an assembly. Upananda, the eldest brot
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Last Darshan

HDG Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance day this year in Moscow, Russia was a heavy, sober reminder of spiritual loss to all the devotees of ISKCON Moscow. By Lord Krsna's arrangement, an unusual event took place here. There was the celebration of two departures of devotees in ISKCON -- our Beloved Srila Prabhupada and his beloved disciple, my Godbrother HH Purnachandra Swami.

The ceremonies were lush and loving with kirtans, bhajans, flowers and pushpunjali, arotiks and words of appreciation. HH Ni
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Killing of sankhacuda


1. Once Lord Govinda and Lord Rama, the performers of wonderful feats, were playing in the forest at night with the young girls of Vraja.

2. Krsna and Balarama wore flower garlands and spotless garments, and Their limbs were beautifully decorated and anointed. The women sang Their glories in a charming way, bound to Them by affection.

3. The two Lords praised the nightfall, signaled by the rising of the moon an
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Book Distribution

Book Distribution

Book distribution and sankirtana will always be the principle activity of the Krishna consciousness movement. Does not matter which part of the world you live, be it Africa or Russia, or India or America. Book distribution is always our most glorious activity. Prabhupada encouraged this, the acaryas encouraged this, Krishna encourages it.

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.31.19), February 2003, Moscow, Sukharevo

The holy name is the most valuable asset that you can possess!

- By H.H.Gopal Krish

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Lessons from a butterfly

Lessons from a butterfly

A man found a butterfly cocoon and decided to save it.

One day a small opening appeared, and the man sat and watched for several hours as the butterfly struggled to force its body through the little hole.

At one point, the butterfly seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and could go no farther. The man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of cocoon. The butterfly emerged

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Paid in full

Paid in full

A young man was getting ready to graduate college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he love

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Washing and Vedanta

Washing and Vedanta

The vice-chancellor of Benares Hindu University, a very famous man of his time named Madan Mohan Malaviya, went to the Gaudiya Math with some intricate, philosophical questions to present to Sarasvati Thakura, who said: "I won’t answer you, but you should ask the devotees who are washing the aratiparaphernalia." The scholar then said: "No, I am asking very difficult questions about Vedanta. They won’t be able to answer!" Sarasvati Thakura, however, insisted that he go and

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Popular names of supreme personality

Achala - The still one

Achyuta - Infallible

Banke Bihari - corrupt form of Van Ke Vihari which means one who loves to sport in the forests particularly Vrindavan

Bihari - One who plays

Brajesh - Lord of Braja

Chakradhari - the bearer of a discus (chakra)

Damodara - the Lord when He was tied with a cord (dama) round His waist (udara)

Dinabandu - Friend of the afflicted

Dinanatha - Refuge of destitutes

Dwarakadisha - Lord of Dwaraka

Dwarakanatha - Lord of Dwaraka

Ghanshyama - Dark rain cloud complexioned one

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Income by honest means

During the morning Rsabhadeva dasa, the former president of the Laguna Beach temple, arrived. Apparently he has been dealing in drugs since 1975, and for this reason he was removed as president. Harikesa Maharaja explained to Prabhupada that Rsabhadeva and about eight other men have rationalized this illicit activity by claiming that they don't take the drugs themselves, they simply sell them to a ready market and use the profits in Krsna's service. Somehow, they don't cons
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 46
te vai vidanty atitaranti ca deva-mayam
stri-sudra-huna-sabara api papa-jivah
yady adbhuta-krama-parayana-sila-siksas
tiryag-jana api kim u sruta-dharana ye

te -- such persons; vai -- undoubtedly; vidanti -- do know; atitaranti -- surpass; ca -- also; deva-mayam -- the covering energy of the Lord; stri -- such as women; sudra -- the laborer class of men; huna -- the mountaineers; sabarah -- the Siberians, or those lower than the sudras; api -- although; p
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Gurudeva, give to this servant just one drop of mercy. I am lower than a blade of grass. Give me all help. Give me strength. Let me be as you are, without desires or aspirations.

I offer you all respects, for thus I may have the energy to know you correctly. Then, by chanting the holy name in great ecstasy, all my offenses will cease.

When will such mercy fall to this one who is weak and devoid of strength and intelligence? Allow me to be with you.

If you examine me, you will find no qual
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Story: The Rope

A story is told about a mountain climber, who was also a devotee, liked to climb tall mountains for fun and to impress his friends. After years of preparation and training he felt he could handle any mountainterrain in the world, regardless of the degree of difficulty.

During a climbing trip, with five other devotees, he decided he would make the final climb to the summit, solo, so he could get there first and claim the glory, while the others slept. After the rest of the climbing partyturned-in

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Lord Krsna is referred to as Hrsikesa because He is the owner of all senses. The living entities are part and parcel of Him, and therefore the senses of the living entities are also part and parcel of His senses. The impersonalists cannot account for the senses of the living entities, and therefore they are always anxious to describe all living entities as senseless, or impersonal.

Lord directs the senses

The Lord, situated in the hearts of all living entities, directs their senses. Bu

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 43-45
vedaham anga paramasya hi yoga-mayam
yuyam bhavas ca bhagavan atha daitya-varyah
patni manoh sa ca manus ca tad-atmajas ca
pracinabarhir rbhur anga uta dhruvas ca
iksvakur aila-mucukunda-videha-gadhi-
raghv-ambarisa-sagara gaya-nahusadyah
devavrato balir amurttarayo dilipah
ye 'nye vibhisana-hanumad-upendradatta-
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 42
yesam sa esa bhagavan dayayed anantah
sarvatmanasrita-pado yadi nirvyalikam
te dustaram atitaranti ca deva-mayam
naisam mamaham iti dhih sva-srgala-bhaksye

yesam -- unto those only; sah -- the Lord; esah -- the; bhagavan -- the Personality of Godhead; dayayet -- does bestow His mercy; anantah -- the unlimited potential; sarva-atmana -- by all means, without reservation; asrita-padah -- surrendered soul; yadi -- if such surrender; nirvyalikam -- without pr
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 41
nantam vidamy aham ami munayo 'gra-jas te
maya-balasya purusasya kuto 'vara ye
gayan gunan dasa-satanana adi-devah
seso 'dhunapi samavasyati nasya param

na -- never; antam -- end; vidami -- do I know; aham -- myself; ami -- and all those; munayah -- great sages; agra-jah -- born prior to you; te -- you; maya-balasya -- of the omnipotent; purusasya -- of the Personality of Godhead; kutah -- what to speak of others; avarah -- born after us; ye -- those; gay
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 40
visnor nu virya-gananam katamo 'rhatiha
yah parthivany api kavir vimame rajamsi
caskambha yah sva-rahasaskhalata tri-prstham
yasmat tri-samya-sadanad uru-kampayanam

visnoh -- of Lord Visnu; nu -- but; virya -- prowess; gananam -- in the matter of accounting; katamah -- who else; arhati -- is able to do it; iha -- in this world; yah -- one who; parthivani -- the atoms; api -- also; kavih -- great scientist; vimame -- might have counted; rajamsi -- particle
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