We often mistake temporary pleasures of this world to be love. This mistaking of temporary sensations of the world lies at the very core of human conditioning. These flickering sensations are like a mirage. A person who is in the desert is searching desperately for an oasis ofwater. And in that desperation, due tolonging and hopefulness, sometimes a mirage appears. It appears thatthat mirage can quench his/her thirst, but all he/she gets is amouthful of hot sand.
So what is real love? In order to understand that we have to understand who we really are. This body is like a vehicle, it is matter. The eyes don’t see, the ears don’t hear, the nose doesn’t smell, the tongue doesn’t taste and the flesh doesn’t feel. It is you and mewho is experiencing life through the senses. Our body is compared to achariot, the mind is compared to the reins, the senses are compared tothe horses, and the intelligence is supposed to be directing thejourney of the passenger, the aatma or the soul. This is thebasic teaching of the Bhagavad-Gita—that we are not the body, but thatwe are the living forces within the body. And that living force, ourspiritual nature, its potential is to love and its need is to be loved.It is spiritual love what we are all searching for.