
Anatomy decoded

Formerly leaves and twigs were growing from this dead tree.. Why are they not growing now? Can the scientists answer this question? Scientists say that the chemicals are the cause of life. But all the chemicals that were there when the tree was living are still present. And life energy is also there. There are thousands of microbes in the tree, and they are all living entities. No one can claim that life energy is lacking in the body of this tree.
The living force is individual, and the particular individual living entity which was the tree has left. This must be the case, since all the chemicals that are necessary to support life are still there yet the tree is dead.
Here is another example: suppose I am living in an apartment, and then I leave it. I am gone, but many other living entities remain there—ants, spiders, and so forth. It is not true that simply because I have left the apartment, it can no longer accommodate life. Other living entities are still living there. It is simply that I—an individual living being—have left. The chemicals in the tree are like the apartment; they are simply the environment for the individual living force—the soul—to act through.

Srila Prabhupada's Quote
The more you forget about nonsense material enjoyment, 
you must know you are advancing in Krishna Consciousness. 
You haven't got to ask anybody how you are making progress, 
you will realize yourself by this test. 
Just like a person taking lunch, he will feel satisfied of hunger and strength, himself. 
Similarly, the more you serve Krishna, you will forget material hankerings and get spiritual strength.

-- Letter to:  Sachisuta, Montreal, June 17, 1968
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