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Statues in Ratha Yatra

The Sunday Press, under the head "A Day for Cymbals and Chants" gave a favourable description of the previous day's parade. As devotees read Prabhupada the article, he recalled the beautiful statue of Lord Caitanya carved for the parade. Everything about it, he said, was perfect.

"Who has made?" he inquired, and the devotees informed him that it was Dhaumya dasa.

"This boy is very good." he said, and asked someone to bring Dhaumya to his room.

The carving of the statue had pro

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You have chances to point out to someone their mistakes, things they could or should have done differently, ways they can improve. You have chances to “correct” people, privately as well as in front of others. 

However, most of the time, the reason we are tempted to put others down, correct them, or show them how we’re right and they’re wrong is that our ego mistakenly believes that if we point out how someone else is wrong, we must be right, and therefore we will feel better. 

Actually, however,
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One of the most severely limiting beliefs that many of us have is that the person we were yesterday is the person we have to be today. This belief keeps us tied to our past mistakes, habits, and limitations. 

We somehow buy into the notion that if we weren’t successful yesterday, we certainly can’t be successful today or tomorrow.

If you can see how ridiculous and self-defeating this belief is, you can make an instant shift toward success. What prevents us from tapping into this potential is our o
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Real Awakening

What is spiritual life? Complete freedom. And an eternal, blissful life full of knowledge. That is spiritual life—a life distinct from material life, which is based on the bodily concept. Spiritual life means an eternal, blissful lifeof knowledge, while material life means a non-permanent, miserable life full of ignorance.

The body is impermanent, and it is always full of miserable conditions. There is no blissfulness in the material world; we are always suffering some kind of distress. 
Simply we
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Recognising God

We cannot accept anyone as an avatara unless he has the symptoms described in the scriptures. Nowadays it has become a fashion that any man can come and say that he is God or an incarnation of God, and some accept it: "Oh, he is God." We do not accept an avatara like that. We take evidence from the Vedas. An avatara must conform to descriptions in the Vedas. Then we accept him; otherwise no. For each avatara there is a description in the Vedas: He will appear at such and such a place, in such an

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Think problems as speed bumps

Rather than labeling the issues that come up during a typical work day as problems, think of them as speed bumps (speed breakers). An actual speed bump, as you know, is a low bump in a road designed to get your attention and slow you down. Depending on how you approach and deal with the bump, it can be a miserable, uncomfortable, even damaging experience, or it can simply be a temporary slow down – no big deal.

If you step on the gas, speed up, and tighten the wheel, for example, you’ll hit the b
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Dealing with problems

Most people assume that the only way to solve problems is to work on, or struggle, with them. I have found, however, that focusing on problems is one of the key ways of keeping them alive – as well as preventing you from moving past them. Focusing on problem is also a key ingredient keeping people stuck in worry.

I can assure you that there is a way to get from where you are to where you want to be without focusing on problems. It’s natural, virtually effortless, yet far more effective alternativ
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Something of the past

Anytime you are fixated, immobilized, absorbed in, or even overly concerned with something that is over – whether it happened this morning or ten years ago – constitutes reverse gear.
The reason people find it so difficult to get out of reverse gear is that they can so easily justify being there. In other words, they argue for their “right” to be in reverse by saying things like, “But he did sabotage the deal,” or “She did criticize me in public.” People will use the fact that events actually
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Perfect Understanding

If a boy wants to know who his father is, the simple process is to ask his mother. The mother will then say, "He is your father." This is the way of perfect knowledge. Of course, one may speculate about one's father, wondering if this is the man or if that is the man, and one may wander over the whole city, asking, "Are you my father? Are you my father?" The knowledge derived from such a process, however, will always remain imperfect. One will never find his father in this way. The simple proces
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Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What are some other ways of saying this magical formula? Let’s see. What goes around, comes around. As you treat others, so shall you be treated. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. There are many variations of this.

All you have to do to ensure that you will be treated fairly, respectfully, and with kindness – and to ensure that others will reach out to help you and praise you – is to do these things yourself.


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Banish your doubts!

Most of us spend a great deal of energy every day of our lives doubting our abilities – to our great detriment. We doubt ourselves at practically every turn; we doubt our abilities to write well, speak to a group, come up with a new idea or solution, overcome an obstacle, market a product or service, or negotiate with a difficult person. 

Many times, we question our self-worth, how much we deserve to be paid, or how valuable or talented we are to an organization. We doubt our ability to overcome
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The power of words

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.

The other frog continued to jump

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A well-known speaker started off his public speech in a strange manner – by holding up a Rupee 1000 Note! Holding up the Note high in the air in one of his hands, he addressed the curious audience, "Who would like this Rupee 1000 Note?"
With great cheers almost all of them raised their hands with the shout, "I want it", "I want it”!! He said, "Oh! That’s nice. Well, I am going to give this Note to one of you... But, first let me do this." Then, he crumpled the Note in his hands vigorously & n

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Complete use of car

Now we are thinking that so-called material advancement is the solution to our problems, but this is not a fact. The real solution is to get out of the material condition entirely by becoming Krishna conscious. Because God is eternal, we are also eternal, but in the material condition we are thinking, "I am this body," and therefore we must repeatedly change from body to body. This is due to ignorance. Actually we are not our bodies but spiritual sparks, parts and parcels of God.

The body is just

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Anatomy decoded

Formerly leaves and twigs were growing from this dead tree.. Why are they not growing now? Can the scientists answer this question? Scientists say that the chemicals are the cause of life. But all the chemicals that were there when the tree was living are still present. And life energy is also there. There are thousands of microbes in the tree, and they are all living entities. No one can claim that life energy is lacking in the body of this tree.


The living force is individual, and the particul

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Warmth in human relationships

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the gem oftheir eyes. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open.
He was late for office so he asked his wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. His wife, preoccupied in the kitchen totally forgot the matter. The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle fascinated by its color and drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous
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2514856102?profile=originalThis story of the Syamantaka jewel is very significant. In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that anyone who hears the story of the Syamantaka jewel or describes it or simply remembers it will be free from all kinds of defamation and the reactions of all impious activities and thus will attain the highest perfectional condition of peace.


SB 10.56.1: Sukadeva Gosvami said: Having offended Lord Krishna, Satrajit tried as best he could to atone by presenting Him with his daughter and the Syamantaka jewe

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----- Elevation To Perfection -----





Elevation To Perfection

(Compiled from notes on lectures of H. H. Mahavishnu Goswami)

This is based on the wonderful class given by our dear Gurudeva in Singapore on the subject matter of elevating our activities to religious perfection which will lead to renunciation and finally culminating in loving service to the lotus feet of the Lord. Maharaja was super excellently explaining the verse 3.23.56 from Srimad Bhagavatam

neha yat karma dharmaaya
na viraagaaya kalpate

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Thought Of The Day

If you simply speak what Krsna says, then you become His representative. Don't manufacture. Don't be over good at (indistinct) manufacturing. Simply to follow Krsna and His representatives, then you become mahajana. Otherwise you are a nonsense. Mudha.


By H.D.G.Srila Prabhupada

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Q & A -- Sankaracarya

Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

8 Dec 72 , Ahmedabad 

Prabhupada: Yes, nitya. We are part and parcel of Krsna.

Guest (1): the material nature, and material, this is not the gross body.

Prabhupada: Eh? Eh?

Guest (1): This is not the gross body. When we go to bed and sleep, we feel that there is some divine spark in us, which puts us by(?) our existence...

Prabhupada: Yes.

Guest (1): is a part and parcel of God. That's what the Sankara...

Prabhupada: No. Part and parcel of God in this way: it is the energy of God.

Guest (1): It is
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