ISKCON Desire Tree's Posts (18632)

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Glorification of Jagannath Puri Dham

Lecture on Glorification of Jagannath Puri Dham by Krishnananda Prabhu 06 July 2013 at Jagannath Puri

(His Grace Krishnananda Prabhu is a disciple of H.H. Radhanath Swami, from Radha-Gopinath Mandir in Mumbai. He travels around India mostly, preaching the glories of the Lord.)

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Faith in the Holy Name

Lecture on Faith in the Holy Name by Sacinandana Swami 18 March 2013 at ISKCON Vrindavana

(HH Sacinandana Swami left home only 16 years old to meet devotees and to become a disciple of Srila Prabhupada in 1971. Maharaja’s first years in ISKCON were spent by translating Srila Prabhupada’s books from English to German and later he joined the book distribution party in Germany. Desiring to deepen his preaching, Maharaja soon started to visit people, who already got our books to encourage them to actively practice Krishna consciousness at home.)

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Association with Devotees

Lecture on Association with Devotees by HG Urmila Mataji

(HG Urmila Mataji has mainly served ISKCON since 1973 till the present time as book distributor, assistant secretary for the BBT, pujari, temple cook, actress, writer, traveling preacher, editor of BTG since 1990, primary and secondary teacher for 27 years, school principle for 18 years, member of Sastric Advisory Council to the GBC. )

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Best Service to Krishna Book Distribution

Lecture on Best Service to Krishna Book Distribution by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami

(Originally from New Zealand, Bhakti Caitanya Swami joined the Hare Krishna movement in London, early in 1973. Almost a year before, as a philosophy student at Auckland University, he had first seen his future spiritual master walking across the campus with his followers. Srila Prabhupada initiated Bhakti Caitanya Swami later in 1973, giving him the name Raghubir Dasa. )

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Support The Gita Nagari Institute House

Hare Krishna Dear Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

As many of you know our beloved god sister, Prema Devi, recently left her body. She was an extraordinary devotee, greatly dedicated to her Gurudev, Bhakti Tirtha Swami. This dedication was manifest through her many services to her Gurudev.

One of these services was purchasing the "Institute house" in Gita Nagari, Pennsylvania.

During Bhakti Tirtha Swami's last ten years on this planet he dedicated a tremendous amount of loving energy to the Gita Nagari farm project. He spoke of the importance of Gita Nagari to Srila Prabhupada and therefore its importance to him. When on the farm, he lived in the house purchased by Mother Prema. Other than the temple itself, this house became a central point of meeting and service for devotees. Not only was it the home of Bhakti Tirtha Swami but when his god family visited the farm, this is the place where they were sheltered and served.

During the last five months of his life when Bhakti Tirtha Swami could have chosen any place in the world to transition from his physical body, he chose this special house in Gita Nagari. In the will left by His Holiness, he requested the house continue to be used in service, and also house a museum that could present testimony to his beloved Srila Prabhupada's mission. Continuing Gurudevs Legacy.

Dear Mother Prema paid this mortgage up to the last month of her life, and now we are in danger of losing this house. A small group of devotees from America and Europe have come together to facilitate the completion of this mission. For the past few months, a few generous devotees have paid the mortgage. Now it us up to us to continue this wonderful service. Your Support Needed.

The preservation of Gurudevs tirtha is now up to us! Without support we will not be able to maintain the house, and it could be lost forever.

The remaining mortgage on this house is approximately $110,000. The monthly amount to pay the mortage, taxes, insurance, utilities, upkeep and future repairs on the house is $2000.

We are humbly, yet emphatically asking for your help to realize Bhakti Tirtha Swami's last wishes for his tirtha in Gita Nagari - The preservation of the house, and exciting future plans to create a museum according to Gurudevs last wishes.

We are requesting donations in the form of monthly pledges. All donations are tax-deductible. Monthly progress updates of this wonderful endeavor will be forthcoming. Remember, many hands make for light work so please, if possible, help.

Our mailing address is:
IFAST (Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology)
PO Box 4572
Rockville, MD 20849

For electronic credit/debit card donations our secure donation address is:

Donations can also be made by PayPal: One Time Donation

Monthly Donations    

Option 1 : $10.00 USD

Option 2 : $20.00 USD

Option 3 : $25.00 USD

Option 4 : $40.00 USD

Option 5 : $50.00 USD

Option 6 : $75.00 USD

Option 7 :$100.00 USD

Option 8 : $125.00 USD

Option 9 : $250.00 USD

Option 10 : $500.00 USD

In addition to your financial support, we would deeply appreciate your prayers and blessing in our meager effort to serve this great Vaisnava, his divine father Srila Prabhupada, and the Gita Nagari community.
Thank you for your time and kind consideration.

Yours in Service,

Agni Das
Citishakti Devi Dasi
Jadurani Devi Dasi
Murari Gupta Das
Madhvacharya Das


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Kunti Maharani ki Prathana Part 01 - Click Here

Kunti Maharani ki Prathana Part 02 - Click Here

Kunti Maharani ki Prathana Part 03 - Click Here

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Prayers of Queen Kunti Part 01 - Click Here

Prayers of Queen Kunti Part 02 - Click Here

Prayers of Queen Kunti Part 03 - Click Here

Prayers of Queen Kunti Part 04 - Click Here

Prayers of Queen Kunti Part 05 - Click Here

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Prayers of Queen Kunti

Lecture on Prayers of Queen Kunti by Caitanya Charan Prabhu

(Chaitanya Charan Das is a celibate spiritual teacher (brahmachari) at ISKCON, Pune. He has done his Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Govt College of Engg, Pune.)

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The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita

Lecture on The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita Prahladananada Swami 29 June 2011

(Prahladananda Swami was born in 1949, in Buffallo, New York. He studied at the University of Buffalo, where he received a full scholarship. In January 1969 he joined ISKCON and received both initiations that year from Srila Prabhupada.)

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Utsaha, Nistha Aur Dhairya

Lecture on Utsaha Nistha Aur Dhairya by Bhakti Vikas Swami on 10 Oct 2013 at Kanhaiyadesh

(He has since travelled widely throughout the subcontinent, lecturing in English, Hindi, and Bengali. His Holiness also travels to and preaches Krishna consciousness in other parts of the world. He continues to write books and magazine articles.)

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Lecture on "Eight Instructions of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu" by HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami Maharaj on 27 Nov 2013 at ISKCON Nashik from 7:30pm to 9:30 pm.

And Srimad Bhagavtam Class on "Teachings of Queen Kunti" on 28 Nov 2013 at ISKCON Nashik from 8:00am to 9:30 am.

We all inviting You with your family and friends to get blessed by the nectarine speech of HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami Maharaj.

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Janmastami in Kharkov/Ukraine

On my arrival in Kharkov/Ukraine I immediately focussed on the upcoming festivals of Janmastami and Prabhupada's appearance.

As we know Bhaktivinoda Thakur said that Vaisnava festivals are the mother of devotion if we celebrate them deeply, with heart and soul.

We had only a few days left to get absorbed in meditating on all the arrangements....

I had made efforts to invite a preacher to come and visit us in Kharkov for those festival days. It always adds a special festive note to the atmosphere and is very uplifting to everyone's consciousness. But this time I had been out of luck. Many preachers were going to the 40th anniversary of the installation of the Deities at Bhaktivedanta Manor, which was a big event.

Nevertheless, we had the opportunity to receive one special guest amongst us: Mahabharata Prabhu from Moscow, who is serving there as the head-pujari.
He had kindly agreed to come and train our pujaris in various aspects of puja, and help us to arrange a very nice abhishek for Janmastami.

As every year we requested all the devotees to go and collect Marygold flowers, so we could decorate the altar and Prabhupada's Vyasasana profusely in the traditional Vrindavan style.

And it engaged so many congregational devotees! The men were going out in the evenings and early mornings to collect the flowers, and the ladies were serving in teams to string them up in simple decoration garlands.

We also decided to introduce a new decoration for the temple room: we hung up some pots along the walls, with decorative arrangements of twigs, flowering grass, bright sunflowers and wildflowers collected from the forests and fields. It created a wonderful village mood, reminding of Vrindavan. Especially sunflowers always look very happy and joyful....!

We set up three gates with decorative colored cloth, ribbons, twigs and flowers. The first gate marked the very entrance coming from the street.
The second one was welcoming the guests when entering the front door of the temple building, and the third one we passed through when entering the altar room.

Such festive decorations are very important and are uplifting to everyone's mind. Prabhupada describes in the Bhagavatam how the entire city of Hastinapur was decorated when Krsna entered. We were only attempting to decorate the temple building....

The stair case leading up to the temple room was also nicely decorated with Marygold garlands and ribbons, and the entire atmosphere was festive and increased the anticipation when coming closer to the altar where the Lord was patiently awaiting us.

This year we also had a well organised cooking team - to cook more than 108 preparations, not only for Janmastami, but also for Prabhupada's appearance! It would be the first year where we managed to make a concentrated effort to cook many nice preparations for Prabhupada's pleasure. Often his Vyasapuja day is a little neglected as devotees are tired from serving on Janmastami.

On the morning of Janmastami we heard several senior devotees speak on various aspects of Krsna's appearance.
Vicka had made many nice flower compositions in vases, and together with her husband they had stayed up all night to create very elaborate decorations with Marygold flowers behind the altar on the walls. As every year I was going on the altar after the dressing had almost finished, and I profusely decorated the altar - one of my favorite services!

No doubt - the altar ended up looking breathtakingly stunning! Nobody had ever seen such wonderful decorations in Kharkov before.....!
And the Deities looked very beautiful and happy indeed - surrounded by many cows.....

The atmosphere in the temple throughout the day was surcharged with the spirit of service in devotion to the Lord - almost electrifying....

The abhishek was well conducted by our brahmana initiated men, with a variety of liquids in various colors being poured over Their Lordships. I was invited to give the main lecture in the evening, ending with a little skit demonstrating the power of chanting the Holy Name being nondifferent than associating with the Lord in person.
Throughout the night we had a nice program engaging the mind in remembering Krsna: a well performed drama, nice kirtans and little cultural performances. Sarvatma Prabhu, our chairman of the Temple Council had prepared a report introducing with a slide show all the various temple departments and their activities.
I was invited to open the Lord's gifts while Sahasrajit Prabhu was reading out the cards which the devotees had offered, expressing glorifications and gratitude to the Lord for appearing in this world.

After another big bhoga offering the Lord received the midnight artik, accompanied with sweet melodious kirtans, while we could marvel at all the little delicacies which were offered with love and devotion. The entire altar was lit with candles, which created a more intimate and festive atmosphere.

Immediately after the midnight kirtan I was driven back to my room, where I took simple prasadam and rested for some hours in order to be back at the temple in the early morning to decorate Srila Prabhupada's Vyasasana. This is the first Vyasa Puja where Prabhupada's Vyasasana is ready, with all the carved decorational parts along the top and sides.
And it looks so nice - a feast to my heart....!

I had a good team of devotees who were helping me to decorate, and guided and inspired from within the heart we served in harmony, endeavoring to do our very best as briskly as we could - for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and the assembled devotees.....

The abhishek started timely, and everybody who was present and wore devotional clothes was invited to bathe Prabhupada.
I was sceduled to give the lecture about Srila Prabhupada. I chose to speak on aspects of the deeper meaning of him being the Founder Acarya: the importance of his books being the law books for the next ten-thousand years, and his outstanding glory of being the only disciple of his Guru Maharaja who had clearly understood his Guru's mission of a world-wide Sankirtan movement having to be lead by not one acarya, but a team of acaryas forming a governing body. And I further elaborated how Bhaktisiddhanta's mission of the Gaudiya Math had been entirely spoiled, because his disciples had not understood this very important point and thus had been fighting over who would be the next leading acarya. They had prefered to be the main acarya of their own little Math, rather than being part of a world-wide organisation.

The price we have to pay in order to fulfill Mahaprabhu's mission of bringing the holy name to every corner of the world is our readiness to cooperate - something which is especially difficult in this age of quarrel and hypocracy....!

We read out the homages of some of our GBC's and ISKCON Guru's personally known to our devotees, followed by our humble selves offering deep and heartfelt words in glorification of Srila Prabhupada. Many devotees had deeply meditated on their relationship with Srila Prabhupada and spoke very nicely.

Prabhupada was offered a wonderful feast, and we concluded the program with puspanjali and Gurv-astaka sung in the beautiful day melody while Prabhupada received nine garlands. A joyful and heartfelt kirtan united the family of our Kharkov devotees around Srila Prabhupada, and I could feel a deep satisfaction within my heart, sensing that Prabhupada was pleased......

Your servant, Devaki dd

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ISKCON Food Relief Foundation is Hiring


1) Manager Branch for Wada location for managing Midday Meals scheme. Operation involving production, administration, maintenance, recruitment, training, HR related

activities, purchases and generation of daily reports, MIS and implementation of FSMS and quality of the products.

2) Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor for Tardeo, Mumbai location. He will be responsible to manage entire operation of vehicle maintenance across Tardeo, Mira road , Palghar and Wada. This role will ensure that all the required vehicles are adequately in good condition and timely available to meet the transport requirements of the kitchen.

3) Fundraising Manager for Tardeo, Mumbai Location. He will be responsible to raise funds from corporate, high net worth donor and individual sources, to support marketing and fundraising and to contribute to wider organizational initiatives in order to meet the fundraising targets.

4) Assistant Branch Manager for Palghar location. ABM is responsible for proper functioning branch. This role will build and continuously improve the capability to deliver midday meals in branch. He is responsible to maintain the ISO Food Safety standards for Palghar Branch which includes Kitchen, Store, Housekeeping and School coordination and assisting BM in all day to operations.

Interested candidates can email their resume to

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Vaisesika Prabhu 12 Nov 2013 at ISKCON Vrindavan

(In his youth, William Suczek spent years searching for God and for the meaning of life. His prayers and intense austerities, which included vows of poverty, fasting and silence- unusual for a teenager were answered when a friend gave him a copy of Back to Godhead magazine in 1973. As soon as he saw the photo of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupda the founder of the Hare Krishna movement, he knew that his search was over.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Sacinandana Swami 18 Nov 2013 at ISKCON Vrindavana

(HH Sacinandana Swami left home only 16 years old to meet devotees and to become a disciple of Srila Prabhupada in 1971. Maharaja’s first years in ISKCON were spent by translating Srila Prabhupada’s books from English to German and later he joined the book distribution party in Germany. Desiring to deepen his preaching, Maharaja soon started to visit people, who already got our books to encourage them to actively practice Krishna consciousness at home.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Niranjana Swami 15 Nov 2013 at Taichung Taiwan

(After reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and seriously practicing the path of devotional service, Niranjana Swami took initiation from him in 1974, in Boston, USA. In 1986, he took sannyasa vows in Mayapur, India, and then proceeded to travel extensively throughout North America, the former Soviet Union, and India, lecturing on the teachings found within the books of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Devoted to assisting others on this path, Niranjana Swami is also an initiating spiritual master in ISKCON. His home base is Kiev, Ukraine.)

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Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Janananda Goswami 16 Nov 2013 at ISKCON Vrindavan

(Born in the United Kingdom. His Holiness Janananda Goswami was initiated by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada in 1972. He held various positions in ISKCON and served Srila Prabhupada in various countries notably the United Kingdom, Africa, Malaysia, Europe, Philippines and New Zealand. His Holiness Janananda Maharaj is a very exalted devotee, travelling and preaching all over the world, the main driving force behind the World Holy Name initiative and various other wonderful projects in ISKCON.)

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