chaitanya charitamrita (3)

13520929063?profile=RESIZE_584xCalling all those who want to relish and spread Lord Chaitanya’s mercy! Srila Prabhupada once referred to the Chaitanya Charitamrita as “the real Bengali sweet.” This literature, which goes into the essence of our tattva as Gaudiya Vaishnavas specifically, shares the sweet pastimes of Lord Chaitanya’s sankirtan movement and confidential mood to the world. Being His faithful followers, it is our duty to both accept and distribute this mercy.

The BBT Marketing, Communications, and Innovations team

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By Nandeep VJ   

Srila Prabhupada had said that he feels like an “emperor” every time one of his books gets published in a new language. Crowning him once again, the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) of Kerala, India, publicly released The Malayalam Chaitanya Charitamrita on the 26th of June 2022 in the Holy Land of Guruvayur in a lavish setting with famed dignitaries.

Mr. V Muraleedharan, Central Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, released the nine volume, opulently finished Chaitanya Charitamrit

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Chasing a Rhino by Brajanath Dasa


One Prabhupada saying that often lingers in my ears is “It is better to chase the rhinoceros. If you fail, no one can say you have failed – everyone knows you cannot capture a rhinoceros, But if you succeed, they will say he has done the impossible.”

During last year’s lockdown, my wife and I were pondering how to reach out to the community in Longmont, Colorado, with Prabhupada books. We happened to see little house-shaped structures full of books on the front lawns of houses in our neighborho

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