You are my Strength..................

Hare Krishna to Vaishnav Kutumb,


All glories to srila prabhupad!

All glories to my gurudev!

My understanding of krishna and my devotion to him has increased only because of vaishnavas like you.

Every time I put some question I get appropriate answers that make me think and inspire me to do proper sadhana so you are my strength. Whoever is running this site are really helping aspiring devotees like me.Once again my humble obeisances to all vaishnavas.I know Iam fallen but with your help I started chanting seriously. Maral mataji said correctly that we can only beg for krishnas mercy. I apologize to all vaishnavas on commenting about devotee and his devotion in previous question. I hope you and krishna will forgive me for this vaishnav aparadh.

Servant of your Servants.



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    Hare Krishna Aakash Menon Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    it is very pleasing to see You happy!

    In Spiritual life there will be times when we suffer while chanting and also there will be times when we will be in bliss while chanting.

    Humility means when bliss comes we have to be grateful to Krishna for giving to us His unalloyed Mercy.

    Tolerance means when we suffer while chanting even though we continue to chant saying:

    - My dear Krishna, no matter whatever it is  i will continue to chant. Let my tongue burn into pieces, let my body pains, let time passes away but i will chant. Because i know that if i do so You are pleased. It is Your free will, to give me chance to taste the nectar of the Holy Names or not to give. Even if is difficult to chant i will chant!


    all people who surround us are our own reflection. When we see others lesser than ourselves than we are fool. That moment we should not criticize that person but our own dirty mind. We have to be angry to ourselves that we still see bad in others. And when we do so it means we removed one bad quality from ourselves and such like person won't surround us anymore. Our association will change.  

    Similar consciousness attracts similar.

    When we purify our heart we will be surrounded with people who are with pure hearts. It is simple to understand. If You throe stone into water it will go to other stones but if you throe feather it will swim along with other feathers.

    No time to see bad in others. If You saw that it means Krishna shows to you your own bad quality and wants to say that you have to remove this one. when you remove will be shown another bad quality ...when we become free from all bad qualities Krishna won't be able to find such like person in this world and only way is to bring us to His abode and show people who are also pure with no bad qualities.  

    Your servant,   



    • hare krishna maral mataji

      its really a very good description for krishna bhakti i m very thank ful to u...

    • Hare Krishna Maral Mataji,


      All glories to srila prabhupada and gurudev!


         You are exactly correct whatever bad we see all around us is our own reflection. Thank you for making

      things clear.


      Servant of your servant


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