Human is just like a that of dr. frog. just as dr. frog if asked to describe the pacefic ocean then he says well it may be of 5 to 6 feet deep becose he is living in smal lake. he sees pacefic see in his view, in his angle. similarly human also thnk that i m nt able to live in fire so there cnt be life on the sun. are bt if cnt live in water it doesnt mean that others cant. we have got ths body with 8 element, the earth element is prominant thatswhy our bodies are suitable to live on earth. on the sun the bodies are hving also 8 element bt fire is prominent. so there are firy bodies. there is sungod vivaswan his son vaivswan is describe as a vaivswat manu who is 7 manu and current manu. so hw cn we deny the existance of life on sun

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