
  • Volunteer
    Hare Krishna dear Reet Mataji, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    If possible please, please go away from there! Please, pray to Krishna to find good solution for You but please do not join such like jobs.
    In sins of killing a cow there are 7 people who will get equal reactions.
    Who is killing
    Who is permitting to kill
    Who is selling
    Who is buying
    Who is cooking
    Who is eating
    And one more.
    To kill a cow is very sinful. Even if we earn money by performing sinful activities we won't use that money nicely. That money is not pure...
    You can request Devotees to help You to find a job for You Mataji.
    Your servant,
  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Mataji,

    Please forgive me for my mistake!

    But what type of duties You will have to do there? Will You personally have work with non veg things? Touch such like food or give it to others?

    For example, my friend also found a job in the shop as a seller. But the products were non veg items like cosmetics which contain animal products...we have to be very careful.

    Your servant,

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Reet Prabhu, the main thing is we have to try to associate with Devotees everyday. At least to have opportunity to attend Mangala Arati, chant with Devotees then hear Bhagavatam then only we can go out and perform our material duties. 

    Chanted 16 roundS are like our guard. Maya won't dare come to us. 

    It will be very hard to work in the environment where everyone is interested with sense gratification. When we associate with them we also will start to think "what is the use of 4 regulative principles? what is the use of worshiping Krishna? What is the use of offering food to Krishna? What is the use of waking up early...? ...."

    We will loose the understanding of importance of these things. Because all around us do not think it value of life. Because of that ASSOCIATION OF DEVOTEES IS VERY IMPORTANT. 

    I know Prabhus in our country, they had to work with karmi people where also non veg stuffs are there. They used to stay at the Temple ashram attend all programs, chant their rounds and go to their work places. And they used to carry Prasadam from the Temple for their lunch. 

    If You have such like opportunity please do that. 

    In US it is not difficult to find Devotees' association these days. It is not like in central asia unfortunately. 

    Your servant, 

  • dear prabhu!!
    supreme lord shri krishna is full of mercy. he understands that working in such an environment is your helplessness. pls go ahead to earn your livelihood by working in subway but pls do not eat any non-veg iten. this will deviate you from path of truth.
    pray to lord narayan to get you a better job after some days of joining this subway job....he is full of mercy and will get you posted somewhere better.

    keep saying hari bol....!!!!!!!!!!
  • dear prabhu!!
    supreme lord shri krishna is full mercy. he understands that working in such an environment will your helplessness. pls go head to earn your livelihood by working in subway but pls do not eat any non-veg iten. this will deviate you from path of truth.
    pray to lord narayan to get you a better job after some days of joining this subway job....he is full of mercy and will get you posted someway better.

    keep saying hari bol....!!!!!!!!!!
    • I agree.  Take the work.  Go to temple and support yourself as a growing devotee.  Associate with devotees and go to temple.  Sri Krishna will arrange for better work later on, I'm sure.  Subway Sandwiches is mostly veggies and "add the meat".  But this is far better that working for Mc Donald's or Burger King.

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