
  • Hare Krishna,

    If are asked if we love krishna or wanna know the truth of life or are we interested in the god ,most of all will say absolutey yes.....Even if I am not much religious I would say I love the god despite all wrongs i do.As Krishna tells arjun in the gita that only having feeling or belief  for the god is not called samarpana or bhakti;rather poorna samarpana includes feeling or surrender in krishna's feet together with obeying krishna's orders given in form of our inner voice or atma's voice.However we fall on this very front of obeying him and although have feeling for him but not too advanced regularly to make us resist all that is unwanted in the path of krishna.We do have that small selfishness in our minds that takes us away from krishna may be for very small moments but they exist and that very moment although we know we are not doing gud or honest to our soul and are becoming selfish;yet we say let us have this thing (bhog or distraction) for this time or hgave a luk on this thing this time and also we surrender to our mind,our vasana and by considering ourself being forced and helpless;we push ourself away from krishna.......this is what the control of senses called that a yogi practises thru to win know one with soul and not with any sort of bodily or mental enjoyment or suffering or compulsion.....we all need to win over this with the grace of krishna and also our himalayas like hard determination to have belief on our strengths and stop this ocd of considering self weak............all we need is infinite strenth and patience and utmost determination with heartly desire for the godhead.............

    Hare Krishna!!!!!!!!!1111

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    • Hare Krishna

       thanks ashwin prabhuji for sharing this link. 

      is there any article regarding Karma and karmafal? please share.

      hari bol.

    • Thank you very much Ashwin prabhu for those great info links.

      Hare Krishna.

    • Hare krishna Ashwin prabhu, you had given very very helpful links. 

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    • yes its true...that the lord is transcendental to both material and spiritual worlds.

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