Is it really that hard to go vegan ?

Both Vegetarians and Vegans abstain themselves from consuming meat but Vegans in particular excludes dairy products from their diet like milk, cheese, yogurt and so on. Not only this but vegans avoid all sorts of animal products like wool, leather, silk etc. (anything that is derived from an animal are not used by vegans.) They do this out of compassion for the animals since it's a fact that animals are tortured to some extent in order to derive the items that i've mentioned above.

Many of us city folks are unaware of the fact that the poor cows are actually forced into milking booths without their consent as the milking machines do their job. It's like abusing their free will. I mean the cows can't even flee from those booths as they are trapped in there.

Would you like it if a doctor starts experimenting on you without your consent.

All i wanna say is that, if we hindoos / vaishnavas really care for other creatures ... if us devotees are really compassionate beings then we must never use animal products like milk, cheese, ghee, wool, leather etc. coz the poor creatures goes through a lot of harassment and pain, when these products are extracted from them.

Below are a couple of clips that shows how cows are kicked and punched in dairy farms , their tails being cut off and finally forced into milking booths without their consent ... If you ask me it's torture to the cows.

So my question to all vaishnavas, is it really that hard to go full-scale vegan ? Coz by being a vegan you are actually liberating these animals from all kinds of human torture. Just think about it.

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  • You can certainly be a devotee and be a vegan but the goal is Not to be a vegan it is to be a devotee.

    Being a devotee means chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles.No meat fish or eggs...

    no gambling intoxication.. no illicit sex.There are many demons who are vegan.

    • I agree with everything you just said but I also acknowledge that things were different when much of this information was spoken. Srila Prabhupada says that just because we recognize that the animal is not his body but the soul inside the body does not give us an excuse to kill the body. And obviously cow protection is very important. My question is how do you justify the support of cow killing just to have milk for sacrifices and prasadam. Surely you can serve Krsna without this. Prabhupada also says that we only need to serve Krsna and all other deities are pleased. I am genuinely confused because I feel Prabhupada would frown upon the drinking of milk that was gathered in a violent manner.
      • while Prabhupada stressed the importance of cow he too must have drank the milk of a tortured cows when he was in usa. plz read the article pasted below and read how milk was extracted past 50 years. Now we cant do without milk and its products. It is required even for social functions like marriage, thread ceremony etc..nonhindus can certainly stop consumption. milk consumption is legal. There is a proper way of extracting. now if those extracting are giving pain and suffering what can we do? It is upto the govt to take action on those people but no govt is serious. infact billions are earned through beef exports. anyways do read this Prabhupada couldn't have done anything other than frowning.


        The Last 50 Years. 

        The last century has been characterized by the “industrialization” of the cow in the developed world. No longer is the cow treated as an animal. Instead, it is treated as nothing more than a resource provider, similarly to the way we perceive gas stations. The human-cow relationship has deteriorated into pure exploitation by humans. In essence, the chages to the cow in the last 50 years are more in how they are treated and used than in how they appear or behave, aside from ever-increasing milk production and udder size.

        Genetic engineering and artificial insemination have produced cattle “superbreeds” that produce milk in quantities unimaginable and unnecessary in nature. For instance, between 1970 and 2005, the average quantity of milk produced by a cow in the United States increased from 825 gallons to over 1,250 gallons (Velton, 2007), an increase of over 50%. In addition, cows are often injected with a growth hormone that boosts milk production another 10 to 15 percent. This has caused cattle serious strain, as the amount of energy exerted by a cow to produce three to four gallons of milk per day has been compared to a human running for six hours per day. As a result cattle become worn out, milk yield declines, and they are slaughtered at an earlier age (often within three years). Take a look at the below figure to see the likely difference in udder size between an auroch and a taurine cow.

        Human → Cow
    • I completely agree with both the posts by Basu Gopal Das. besides those milk products are required in several festivals like Diwali, Ganesh Chaturti, Durgastami and other festivals. No vegans can ever avoid dairy products.

      some people also face withdrawal symptoms when they abruptly cease consuming eggs meat fish and then they secretly cook and eat or eat outside....LOL

  • Ghee is an essential ingrediant in vedic sacrifices.
    Milk and yogurt are essential in worshipping the diety.
    If ahimsa milk products are available this is preferable.Srila Prabhupada took milk products..he is the acharya...Where do you get his "non violence"Nonsense.Use common sense not fanaticism.Tell the dieties next time you see them..
    "Im sorry you cant have ghee milk and milk products its bad for the cow.
    • Nonviolence is not nonsense it is one of the traits of a pure devotee. It is possible to get milk from a cow without hurting it. Most of the milk bought from stores comes from places where they beat, torture, and eventually kill the cows that are there. Common sense tells me Krsna is all loving and would prefer I avoid causing unnecessary suffering to any of His creatures if I can avoid it. Find me milk that was gathered from a cow that is loved and protected and I will drink all you have. Fanaticism is when one gets caught up in words and uses them to cause unnecessary suffering in Krsna's name and forgets the underlying message of all His teachings which is to love and surrender to Him.
      • it is the mind alone that causes happiness and distress and perpetuates the rotation of material life.

        The souls are just observers inside their material bodies, but because of illusion thinking  to be doers, because of that, living beings suffer as someone suffer in a night dream.

  • I agree completely. I don't think it is materialistic to avoid dairy products if you can not get them in a nonviolent manner. While it is true that Lord Krsna likes milk when He was on this planet cows were given the proper respect. Violence should only be used if absolutely necessary and hurting cows for their milk goes against cow protection. There are many other foods to offer Lord Krsna as prasadam.
  • Ego is internal to the spirip yet external to the Soul. I only Wonder
    When will modesty be the motivation of my pride, ? &
    All shakels by shaken once agin?
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