
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Pratap Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    In the reality it is parent's fault.

    Main is their fault.

    The first thing is one gets a child according to his or her karma. 

    The second thing is sex life should be used only for having children if not so then good karma is finished before time and as a result as their bad karma they will get a bad child with bad karma.

    So it is very important to have child before doing garbhadhana samskara. Or else one will suffer by inviting a bad child.

    Other thing is education of children.

    It starts from the very small ages. If it is done improperly then children will grow as demons, monsters.

    So parents get fruits when children get older.

    So basically it is parents' fault.

    Because of that couples before becoming parents should learn how to educate their future kids. So that they will have godly qualities otherwise it is only a way for suffering.


    If so happened that now children are older in age and disrespect parents then still parents should become self realized souls. There is no other way. One can not change others unless until one changes himself or herself first.

    Those children who are demons also will take punishment by the laws of karma. But the main problem was in parents. So we see parenthood is not simple thing.

    Your servant, 

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