
  • Volunteer

    Tulasi should not be touched when we are unclean under any of the following circumstances

    • Slept for more than an hour
    • visited burial ground when some one passed away
    • first 3 days when we have a child born in our family
    • first 13 days when some one dies in the family
    • after cutting our nails/hair or passing stool and not taking bath
    • when matajis have their period for 5 days in a month and prabhujis if they have come in contact with such mataji

    Other than this you can touch and worship Tulasi maharani on all days in the morning and evening. Also, we avoid plucking Tulasi leaves for offering to Krishna on Ekadashi days and also during the afternoon time when its very sunny and late in the evening about 30 min to and hour after sun set.

    Hari bol!!!

  • Volunteer

    please, give the source where You got this information Prabhu!

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