
  • Volunteer

    Prabhupada said that the whole Earth was called Bharath Varsh not just India. Although most of the population resided in what used to be, India before independence from British.

    Beyond Indian Subcontinent, if you look at the connected mass, of Asia, Africa and Europe, most of it was/is still inhabitable unless by artificial means, posed hellish conditions of severe drought (desert) or severe cold (Europe).

    or very thick forests runover by cruel animal/phythons etc making it not so conducive for peaceful civilized cultures (growing food grains and dairy farming)

    Most Europeans are the result of Parashurama throwing out of unrighteous Khyatriyas. Even to this day, Americans and less so now, the Europeans, love to fight for absolutely no good reason. (well for control of resources, money and power) and export pornography, and materialism and war weapons to rogues.

    We must on the contrary export Krishna Consciousness by propagating Sankirtana Movement started by Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Hare Krishna.



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