as it is written in bhagvatam that whole world is known as bharat varsha,, but we find activites of lord only in kurushetra,vrindavan etc.. why not inother countries??what was reason that lord only confined his past times in india not in other parts of bharat varsha?? also what was history of people of europe as i have heard from one devotee that they are people who migrated from india to oyher places??and also why lord krishna made four yugas if goal of each yuga is to attain godhead through different kindly clarify my doubt...

all glories to shri guru and gauranga... hare krsna

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  • Volunteer

    We think so because many things we do not know yet because we do not study all Vedas.

    In Mahabharata it says that Lord Krishna and Arjuna went to the north to Lord Vishnu and they passed over northern parts of the world places like Russia, Siberia. 

    Also before rajasuya yagya 4 brothers went to the 4 directions of the world and fought with kings there and collected riches. That time it is explained that Arjuna went to the north again to the sides of Russia, Nakul and Sahadev to the north west sides of India and more. Bhima to the south.

    And there explained that even that times those places were populated by living entities. 

    Also Pandavas used to hide their weapons in present Australia. The title "Russia" comes from the word "rshi". And it says that in those places used to reside learned scholars of Shastras...

    In this way there are explanations but the titles of present areas might be changed and we do not know what place exactly it is.

    Your servant,

  • This is not true. Jesus was born in Jerusalem. He has taken birth and performed His lilas everywhere. In fact, He is constantly doing His pastimes every moment in everyone's life, in every place and every country. India is full of pious population, even though many don't know the significance of Tulasi, every house has a tulasi plant being worshipped. India is the only place where its population is giving respects to 33 million demigods. The Lord naturally descends here to take them one step forward to eternal liberation. But not so in other places, majority of population in this world is full of atheists. In every scripture it is said that the Lord will be part of the team which glorifies Him and knows His value. Will you go and live with dogs and hogs, No right... very similar ..... since he is the Supreme Personality, He likes to be with his dearest children.  His devotees are more merciful than Himself, like Srila Prabhupada, who went to the place of Dogs and Hogs and gave Krsna Consciousness.  Today, because of Srila Prabhupada, millions have taken to the path of devotion.  So, who said God does activities only in India ???

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