
  • Hare Krishna prabhu,
    In Book named Kartika-Mahatmya there is a story of a Brahmana who was poor and was advised by one Priest to worship Lakshmi devi so that She could bestow wealth to Him.Actually since Lord Vishnu is till sleeping and Lakshmiji can show her mercy on any person. Since this Kaliyuga is the age in which Rajo Guna is predominant ,people want money,wealth and prosperity,so they consider it more important to worship Lakshmi rather Lord Ramachandra,the personality of Godhead. This is all propaganda. For Vaishnavas this day is observed as return day of Lord Ramachandra. Since people are under illusion of mayadevi, and are not pure devotees so they consider it more important to worship Lakshmiji,Goddess of Fortune.

    But they forget the fact that Lakshmiji ,being concert of Lord only resides where Lord lives. She is more pleased with devotees of Lord Krishna rather those who worship her directly. But since all are not devotees, Shastras recommend such people to please Lakshmiji.

    Devotees have got the greatest achievement i.e. Bhakti which is rare most thing in world,so they do not want wealth. We know this fact from story of Sudama Brahmana. He was pure devotee so Lakshmiji bestowed Him everything he needed.

    People want wealth and hence worship Lakshmi but when they get it ,they got mislead and lead to hell, but when devotee worship Krishna ,Lakshmiji gives them wealth but could not influence them. They uses that wealth for Krishna Concsiousness e.g. Sanatan Goswami used His all wealth in Krishna Consciousness and later wrote Bhakti Rasamrit Sindhu by the mercy of Guru and Gaurang.

    Srila Prabhupada ki jai............Haribol

    your servant
    Ashish Sharma
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