Hare Krishna All,

All glories to Srila prabhupada!

 We have many evidences in India to prove krishna is supreme lord like scriptures and temples where

as in other parts of the world we don't find many evidence. Even though we follow sanatan dharm which was prevailing all over the world,how come it lost its glory and how all the evidence disappear?

  Does People of other religions and beliefs  are indirectly worshipping krishna?  Is there any connection between all the religions ? Being neophyte in devotion sometimes my mind wanders and gets inclined towards the thought that all the religious paths lead to the same lord. Because I believe krishna or lord cant be partial to particular section of devotees. There are many people who are very much devoted in their paths and I hope one day they come to the true path of krishna consiousness.

Your Servant



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  • Volunteer

    There is archaeological and historical evidence of Vedic culture around the world, but now in this Kali Yuga we have different types of religions to confuse the inhabitants (because this is Kali Yuga). 

    I saw the vedic evidence posted by devotees and a simple google search should help you get started. I wish I could help more, but all the sources were viewed a while back

    • Volunteer

      true, even in our country archaeologists are finding so many ancient forms maybe Deities and other elements which was made using high intelligence....golden plates...musical instruments...

      Your servant,  

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