hare krishna to all devotees.all glories to srila prabhupada ji
i have very small doubt about jesus christ
when jesus christ came to preach message of god head to different mentality of people then why did he didnt told the name of GOD.?
it is written in islam that colour of allah is dark blue, prophet mohmaad said every hting through htese words
but why jesus christ didnt told them?
Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!
God's Name "Krishna" is very confidential Name.
As like we call Mr Obama by his Obama name but who knows how does his wife or close friends call him: "Obamic...Obic....Obbi....:-D" They can use these names with him out of their intimate love but if we use it we will be punished or something like that.
In this way God also has intimate, confidential names. And "Krishna" is His the topmost confidential Name. Because of that if we chant IT offensively we will get big terrible reaction on the contrary if we chant with devotion then we will come closer to Him.
This opportunity of chanting Maha Mantra Hare Krishna is given only in this age of Kali only by the causeless mercy of Lord Gouranga. We do not deserve it. but we are the most fortunate ones.
Your servant,
means he could have also told them to chant the mahamantra?and also whether any person who is following other religion which are authentic according to srimad bhagvatam like christanity, budhhism,islam will not not be able to achieve perfection or will not be able to attain the love of GODhead? means as we all know that krishna consciousness is the ultimate way and i just love it....but then why GOD s representative didnt told them about chanting the mahamantra? whether it may be in islam also they prphet didnt told them about chanting ... i just want to enquire about the reason?
Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
It is not mandatory that every devotee would chant mahamantra only. Krishna is omnipotent , omnipresent so he is known by numerable names ref. Vishnu sahsranama. Even the four vaishnava sampradaya have their specific mantra to address the lord like Radhe shyam of Nimbarkya sampradaya, Om Namo Narayana of Sri sampradaya and so on. In the same manner other religions like muslim, christians chants Lord's other names and is non different from mahamantra if it is chanted with pure unalloyed devotion and with right consciousness, Lord reciprocate accordingly with all the devotees,beacuse he is all-knowing.
At the same time Mahmantra is special because it is given by Krishna Himself in his Chaitanya avatara , so it effects quickly if chanted with devotion.
Your aspiring Servant
Hari BOl
but mata ji one more thing that why not jesus christ told to those people whom he adressed for chanting holy name of lord?as he also came in this age of kaliyuga...so what is the reason behind it?
thank you mata ji for your wonderfull reply
Hare Krishna..
Thank You Sudipta prabhuji for this nice detailed reply...
please accept my humble obeisances..
Your servant..
Jai RadheSyamaa..
Srila Prabhupada's view on Jesus Christ
Srila Prabhupada, the foremost exponent of the Krishna consciousness movement explains that Jesus is Krishna's representative, son of God, and spiritual master.
Below are excerpts from Srila Prabhupada's books, lectures, and conversations about Jesus Christ and his relationship with Krsna.
"If one loves Krishna, he must love Lord Jesus also. And if one perfectly loves Jesus he must love Krishna too. If he says, "Why shall I love Krishna? I shall love Jesus," then he has no knowledge. And if one says, "Why shall I love Jesus? I shall love Krishna", then he has no knowledge either. If one understands Krishna, then he will understand Jesus. If one understands Jesus, you'll understand Krishna too" (Srila Prabhupada - Room conversation with Allen Ginsberg, May 12, 1969 / Columbus - Ohio)
As Lord Jesus Christ said, we should hate the sin, not the sinner. That is a very nice statement, because the sinner is under illusion. He is mad. If we hate him, how can we deliver him? Therefore, those who are advanced devotees, who are really servants of God, do not hate anyone. When Lord Jesus Christ was being crucified, he said, "My God, forgive them. They know not what they do." This is the proper attitude of an advanced devotee. He understands that the conditioned souls cannot be hated, because they have become mad due to their materialistic way of thinking. In this Krsna consciousness movement, there is no question of hating anyone. Everyone is welcomed to come and chant Hare Krsna, take krsna-prasada, listen to the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, and try to rectify material, conditioned life. This is the essential program of Krsna consciousness. (Path of Perfection Chapter 3: Learning How to See God)
Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu-it doesn't matter. If he is simply speaking on behalf of God, he is a guru. Lord Jesus Christ, for instance. He canvassed people, saying, "Just try to love God." Anyone-it doesn't matter who-be he Hindu, Muslim, or Christian, is a guru if he convinces people to love God. That is the test. The guru never says, "I am God," or "I will make you God." The real guru says, "I am a servant of God, and I will make you a servant of God also." It doesn't matter how the guru is dressed. As Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Whoever can impart knowledge about Krsna is a spiritual master." A genuine spiritual master simply tries to get people to become devotees of Krsna, or God. He has no other business. (Science of Self Realization Chapter 2: Choosing a Spiritual Master)
So Lord Jesus Christ said, "My Lord, hallowed be Thy name." He wants to glorify the name of the Lord. And some people says that there is no name of God. How? If Lord Jesus Christ says "Hallowed by Thy name," there must be name. The name is there, but he did not pronounce it because the people at that time will not be able to understand or maybe some reason, but he says there is name. So we are making this propaganda, Krsna consciousness movement, the "Hallowed by Thy name. My Lord Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, let Your holy name be glorified." This is our movement. It is not a sectarian...(Lecture: Bhagavad Gita 3.27 Melbourne June 27, 1974)
Sometimes Sri Krsna descends Himself, and sometimes He sends His representative. The major religions of the world-Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Moslem-believe in some supreme authority or personality coming down from the kingdom of God. In the Christian religion, Jesus Christ claimed to be the son of God and to be coming from the kingdom of God to reclaim conditioned souls. As followers of Bhagavad-gita, we admit this claim to be true. So basically there is no difference of opinion. In details there may be differences due to differences in culture, climate and people, but the basic principle remains the same-that is, God or His representatives come to reclaim conditioned souls. (Raja Vidya Chapter 6 :Knowledge of Krsna's Appearance and Activities)
Just like Lord Jesus Christ. He was so badly treated and still he was thinking, "Father, they do not know what they are doing. Please excuse." This is suhrdah. He is praying to God This is sadhu, mahatma. Suhrdah prasanta. Not that... In India there are examples like Haridasa Thakura, Prahlada Maharaja. And the Western countries also, Lord Jesus Christ, he is saktyavesa-avatara, God's son. And he tolerated so much. These are the examples of mahatma. Don't misunderstand that we are preaching that mahatmas are only in India. No. By the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there are mahatmas even amongst the birds, even amongst the beasts, even amongst the lower than animals. Because this Krsna consciousness movement is going on in different places, in different circumstances.(Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5.3 --vrndavana Oct 25, 1976)
thank you prabhu ji for your wonderfull reply
Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dandavat pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Christ - Krischto - Krishna The Name is the same
Jesus is the son of Krishna
Jesus (the son of Christ) talks about his father in heaven: "All things are delivered unto me by my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him." (Matthew 11:27) "No One Comes to the Father than through me."
One should go through Jesus through, to the father Christ or Krishna!
Jesus is not God!
Jesus said "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone" (Mark 10.8) "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me" (John 7:16) Jesus said "I go unto my father: for my father is greater than I" (John 14.28) "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself" (John 5.19)
Jesus Christ means: Jesus, the son of Christ oder Krishna. He declared Himself to be the son of God, and NOT the Father. Therefore it does not matter, if we call God "Christ" or "Krischto" or "Krishna".
The name "Christ" means "annointed one". This is taken from the Greek word "Christos". Some language historians trace the Greek language to the oldest Indo-European language, Sanskrit, which is 3,500 to 6,000 years old, perhaps older. By finding a Sanskrit equivilant, it is reasonable that we may be able to ascertain the probable origin of the word "Christ". The Greek "Christos" is almost identical in sound and spelling to the Sanskrit word "Kristo", meaning all-attractive. Sometimes we meet an attractive girl named Krista or Christa. These are common American and European names, having their roots in the Sanskrit Name of the Lord Krishna.
People in India very often call the Name of Krishna by saying: "Krischto" or "Christo"!
The word "Christ" or "Kristo" or "Krsna" is a variation of the word KRISHNA, one of the countless and ancient names for God Almighty in that language of Sanskrit. The name "Krishna" also means "all attractive". Who is the most attractive person? GOD, of course. Why is God a Person? It is written, "MAN IS MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD." If we are persons, then logically, as our creator, God is the Supreme Person. Why is God called "All-attractive"? Because He has everything in full.... including power, fame, renunciation, wealth, personal beauty, and intelligence. Human beings may have some of these attributes in part. But God, as the Supreme Person, has everything in full, with no shortage in any way. No one possesses anything beautiful, intelligent, great, powerful or more opulently than God Almighty. Even the Atheists are attracted to the power of God Almighty, albeit, in a negative manner.
If Jesus now says: Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy Name, than this Name of God is "Christo" oder "Krishna". If Jesus says, that the Name of the Father should be glorified, how come someone saying that God has no Name? We say God-Father. The son generally calls his father "Father", but the Father also has a Name: "Christos" or "Krishna". This is verified by Jesus Himself. If Lord Jesus says "Hallowed by Thy name," there must be name. The name is there, but he did not reveal it openly because the people at that time where not able to properly understand, but he says there is name.
What Jesus was teaching 2000 year ago, is not different from that what Krishna was teaching 5000 years ago.
We should ask, "What do Christ and Krishna have in commom? It is common knowlege that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Who he called "The Father in Heaven". He referred to himself as the Son of God dozens of times, and to God the Father over 200 times in the New Testament. What is not generally known is that God has many names in many languages, not just a few Biblical names. One such name for God is Krishna. Initially, we may object, but when we think about this concept without anger, prejudice, or preconceived bias, we can logically conclude that God must have unlimited names, because God himself is unlimited, by the very definition of the word... "GOD". American Indians have names for the Holy Spirit. The Eskimos, the same. Muslims call God "Allah". People in all lands of the Earth have different names for God. If we contemplate this idea for a moment in silent prayer, then we can understand it's simple, obvious truth. There are countless names for God.
Why irrationally object, because of our own prejudicial feelings? God, being unlimited, must have unlimited names. This is the logical conclusion. One of these names for God is Krishna, the self-same Jehovah-God of the Holy Bible. Another name for God is Rama. In Hebrew, this truth is explained... "SHEMAH YISRAEL ADONOI ELOHENU ADONOI ECHAD"..."HEAR! O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD IS ONE." We may want ot object, but God Is ONE, portrayed differently in different cultures and lands of the world by his different names and pastimes. Knowing this truth is the beginning of wisdom and inner peace, the initiation of our own personal mental healing, the casting out of our own "devils" of prejudice and of our unconscious hatred for others. Understanding that God is ONE for all people of the Earth implies; the eventual dissolution of our inner feelings of mistrust for others who seem different than ourselves, but whom Jesus taught us to love even as our very selves. God is ONE, and all human beings are family members.
The Old Testament declares that by the Holy Name of the Lord one will be saved, and shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. In this way, the individual is encouraged to take shelter of God's holy names. "Christ" indicates the Son of God. The name "Krishna" denotes God the Father, as in the Judeo/Christian reference to God. Christ or Krishna, the name is the same. Like Father, Like Son, as the old saying goes. We may conclude that the etymological derivation of the English world "Christ" is the Sanskrit word "Krishna". It is always advisable to chant and sing the holy names of Christ or Krishna. Catholic priests use the Greek name "Christos" freequently in hymns and while chanting prayers.
Many Christians also sing hymns, using the English translation "Christ". Franciscan monks and many other monastic sects use the Latin names "Jesu Christe" in Gregorian chants. Also, in India and now around the world, many worshippers of God sing the universal, non-sectarian names of "Krishna". There is no duality or spiritual conflict of interest. In this way, one may chant any of God's millions of names in devotion for protection, self purification and eventual liberation.
Unfortunately, many people who believe in God waste much valuable time arguing about the 'correctness' of their own chosen religion. But 'correctness' is not the point, nor the goal, nor the final outcome of religion. Developing our love for God and others is the essential goal of all religious thought. The command of Jesus Christ, the spiritual master of the Christian world is, "Love the Supreme Lord with all your heart, soul and mind," and also, "Love your neighbor as your very own self." It is fairly obvious that the international neighbors of Christians are Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hare` Krishnas, etc. According to Christ's command, Christians do not need to quarrel with their neighbors of different religious persuasions, but simply love them.
Such argumentative behavior was and is contrary and counterproductive to Jesus Christ's command, "Love thy neighbor." How can you fight with someone you are instructed to love by your spiritual master. Jesus never recommended such fighting, nor killing of others who were different, as has been an unfortunate part of Christian expansionism and history. Jesus commanded his followers, "If you love only your own kind, then you are nor better than the common people and the sinners." In all Scriptures it is recommended to glorify the holy names of the Lord, and to treat others as you like to be treated yourself, the "GOLDEN RULE". In this way, there is no necessity to want to change anybody to be like ourselves. We are all certainly still spiritually growing, and in much need of understanding just what Jesus meant when he stated: "Love the Lord and love your neighbor." One may sing or glorify any of God's holy names. The Bible encourages us... "From sunrise to sunset, one should sing the praises of the holy names of the Lord." Similarly, the Vedic literatures encourage us to chant and sing...
Jesus healed others by the potencies of God's holy names. In this regard, Jesus states: "I have come to glorify the Father, and do nothing of my own accord." This was the personal sentiment of Jesus, that everything depended upon God, the Father. He denied doing anything by his own power. We are all powerless without God's grace. Even Jesus Christ is powerless without the grace of God the "Father". If we sing and chant the holy names of the Son or the Father, the end result will be the same. Countless thousands have been healed an purified over the centuries by the holy names of Jesus and Christ. In this world, calamities abound at every step. If somehow or other, we can learn to rely upon the holy names of Christ, Christos, Hare` Krishna, or Hare` Rama, then surely we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. People who are different than ourselves deserve the same love and consideration that Jesus offered them when he taught us: "Love thy neighbour".
Jesus commanded it of those who chose to be called his true followers. "If you love me, then follow my commandments." No one is superior to anyone else. Jesus never had such prejudicial feelings, and considered himself the servant of humanity. Jesus therefore commanded Christians to offer the same love and respect they wished for themselves to all others, whether they be Buddhists, Jews, Hare` Krishnas, Jesuit Monks, or Muslims. By taking shelter of the holy names of God, this love for God and respect for one and all can factually be achieved in a very short time.
Your aspiring Servant
Hari BOl