Why is Prahlada Maharaja in Vaikuntha instead of Goloka?

Please Accept My Most Humble Obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Gurudev, and Sri Gauranga.

All Glories to All Vaisnava's (that I can see, and those I cannot take Darshan of).

Dandavat Pranamas to All.


Hare Krishna


I was wondering, Why is it that one of the Greatest Vaisnava's Prahlada Maharaj is not situated in Goloka Vrindavan?

He was personally picked up and licked affectionately by Lord Nrsimha. Why is he in Vaikuntha Planet, and not present in Goloka?


Please forgive me if I have committed offense in asking this question.

I was just wondering why this is?


Gauranga Hari Bol


Your Lowest Servant,

Bhakta David

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! as i know Prahlada Maharaja yet resides in His planet Patala loka or what is there there richest hellish planet. 

    In Chaitania Lila he came as Vasudeva Datta and there he told that he wants to stay in the hell until all the living entities go back to Godhead.

    Loka means - planet.

    Vaikuntha refers to many Spiritual Planets  as Krishna's Lover Prabhu told.


    Your servant,  

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna, David prabhu!!! Every incarnation has got their own lokas. And we will be transferred to the abode of our worshipful Lord(Godhead or His incarnation). But whether Nrisimhaloka or Ramloka or Vishnuloka or Goloka, every abode is as good as Vaikuntha for it is beyond the three modes of material nature!!! Since Prahlad's adorable Lord was Vishnu, he was transferred to Vaikuntha. In Chaitanya Charitamrita, we find Murari Gupta, a great devotee of Lord Ram, who after his death was transferred to Ramloka. Similarly, a person worshiping Krishna will be transferred to Goloka or Krishnaloka.

  • Sevak

    Hare Krishna Prabhu Ji. PAMHO. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    In the spiritual Sky all planets of the same level. But in the material world we have the 3 worlds:heaven, earth, hell etc.

    So which ever form you worship you go to the form's particular planet. So Prahlada Maharaj worshipped Krishna's form of Narasimha. And Lord Narasimha resides in 1 of the planets of the Vaikuntha. Vaikuntha is not just 1 planet it sometimes refers to the whole spiritual sky. 

    Hope that was helpful. Hari Bol. 

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