Hare Krishna dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances !

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said that we should not desire to see the Lord face to face in the spiritual world because love in separation in the material world is greater than seeing the Lord face to face in the spiritual world. However even the associates in Goloka Vrindavana experience love in separation. For example the gopis in the spiritual world are not always with Krishna. When Krishna goes to play with His cowherd friends then the gopis feel such intense separation that they feel one moment to be like twelve years. I understand that their love in separation does not last long because when Krishna returns He then spends time with the gopis whereas in the material world there is constant love in separation. However I am sure that the love in separation a pure devotee experiences in this material world cannot be compared to the love in separation of the gopis because when the gopis feel love in separation in Goloka Vrindavana then they feel their one moment to be like twelve years whereas I doubt if the pure devotees in this material world can feel the same as the gopis. Even Madhurya Kadambini says that in this material world a pure devotee can maximum reach the stage of Prema but the stage of Mahabhava that the gopis experience is available only in the spiritual world which may be one reason why the love in separation of the gopis is so intense. Therefore I feel that love in separation in the spiritual world is greater. However it is said that love in separation in the material world is greater. I request someone to guide me that why is love in separation in the material world considered greater than the love in separation in the spiritual world ?



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