
  • Throught my life Ive had different approaches to this; i guess my current view is that because we cant define God beyond our capacity to conceptualize things, experimentally we must enter samadhi to acquite extraphysical limited perception and conceptualization.
    Even there there are limitations in my opinion, which in of itself is limited. I do believe that high states can bring revelations to answer you definitively. I suggest you see for yourself. What if God is the source of the desire?
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhu!

    God has no need and God has no want. In fact we are all parts and parcels of him, yet he is still complete. Srila Prabhupada gives the example of drops of water taken from the ocean. Taking a few drops out of the ocean isn't going to make the ocean change size. Similarly, Krishna is all complete as the ocean, and we are the few drops of water (we as in every single thing that is a part and parcel of Krishna).

    He wants us to come back because he knows that this is where they belong. I heard in a lecture once that this material world is a playground. God is shouting like a wonderful parent "little Avik come back, it's time to go home", but we just plead for "5 more minutes please!" again and again. When it gets dark at night, the safest place to be is in your home. Similarly when we are surrounded by the darkness born of maya, the safest place to be is with God. 

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Pamho. Agtsp

    God doesn't need our favor rather the conditioned souls need the favor of Krishna. By serving Krishna only we can be free from maya or conditioned life and by developing love for him we will be able to reach back to vaikuntha. Because to serve Krishna in person we need to be there where Krishna is present in person, therefore all the devotional service gradually redirect our consciousness from matter to Krishna and after leaving this body we will be with Krishna. 

    He wants our good just like a father want good of his child, and he knows that our good is only in association with him , and without service how can we associate ? where is teh question of loving association without some service?


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