Hare Krishna!
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Why do we need to do the rituals after one dies when we know that Atma (the soul) will get a new life depending on the Karma the person did in his life?

Does it actually help the soul to get a higher life if the rituals are done for the soul?

Just Servant

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  • Volunteer

    It says that "putra" means one who liberates one from hell. In English it means son. So if son is religious and Devotee of God then he will do many yagyas and liberate his ancestors from hell.

    In many Ekadashi explanations it is nicely explained of how one can help departed relatives by fasting offering Prasadam to their photo...

    So this yagyas can help to remove bad karma of departed souls.

    Because of that one does offerings.

    If one becomes a pure Devotee and accepts sannyasa then one can liberate thousands of generations.

    Because of that it is very serious issue to invite a great soul as a child by performing samskaras.

    Otherwise souls from hell will take birth as one's child and on the place of elevating parents will send them to hell.

    Your servant,  

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