Why do We in ISKCON Pray Sri Narasingha So Much ?

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, Guru & Gauranga.

Hare Krishna

I have a question, and I don't mean to sound insolent. Sri Narasimha is a form of Sri Krishna. Lord Vishnu appeared as Lord Narasimha to please His devotee (Prahlada Maharaja), as well as to protect Him from any more atrocities. 

In our Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition, we worship Sri Sri Radha Krsna in Goloka Vrndaban, or Sri Sri Gaura-Gadai/Nitai-Gauranga in Navadwip. Not the image of Sri Narasingha. I understand why we worship Sri Jagannatha (as He is in Krishna Lila), but Sri Narasimha is not involved with Krishna lila to my knowledge.

Please clear this up for me. I do feel great attraction for Sri Narasimha also. 

Please also forgive me for any offenses I made in asking this question.

Gaur-Hari Bol

Your Most Fallen Servant,

Bhakta David

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna David pr.


    First of all, Krishna when very angry takes the form of Sri Narashima dev and Krishna when very very ecstatic mood, takes the form of Lord Jagannath.

    Lord Narasingadev protected Prahalad maharaj in all horrible conditions. Similarly, devotees pray to lord to protect from all unpleasant situation in our day-to-day life.

    I remember a past time which happened a few years ago in US. A small girl was very much attracted to Lord Narashima dev and would chant Narashima aarthi all the time. One day, she was playing in front of their home and her parents were in there apartment in second or third floor watching her. Suddenly the ball went on to the road and she went on to pick it up without even seeing whats coming on the road. And suddenly, the parents saw that there was a road train which was on its way and approaching the girl soon. The girl was shocked and stood on the road itself and the parents started to run down stairs. When they came down, they could not find their daughter any where around. They got very very tensed and went out on the road to see imagining the worst thing that could have happened. To their surprise, they did not see any one on the road. However, they heard their daughter cry from the fields in front of their home. They ran and saw that the girl was safe. They asked her what happened when the truck approached. She said, she could not move as she was in a shock and as a habit, started chanting Narashima aarthi closing her eyes. When she opened her eyes she was in the fields already. The parents saw there was blood marks on her dress and when they examined, it was the marks of the claws of Lion. Lord Narashima dev himself appeared there to help the girl from this situation.

    Hari bol!!!

    • Volunteer

      yes, long ago i also heard this happening. :-) amazing! Jai Lord Narasimha Dev!!!

  • Good Question...i had once heard a lecture which said that we worship and sing narsinga aarti becoz Srila Prabhupada has asked us to do so ....so wen we follow the instructions of the Guru then all miseries and obstacles n our path will go away. 

    • hare krsna devotees pamho


      Prabhupada taught us to worship narsimha deva because even saraswati thakur had did that and even his father Thakur bhaktivinode used to worship him .Bhaktivinode thakur writes in his book navadvipa bhava taranga :

      When will I see its beauty, and when will I become choked in ecstasy on receiving pure Krsna prema? Since in my heart resides lust and the six enemies, duplicity, longing for fame & insincerity, I will pray to Nrisimha to purify my heart and to give me desire to serve Krisna. Oh, when will I, weeping, beg at the lotus feet of Nrisimha for the ability to worship Radha & Krisna in Navadvipa, free from all difficulties? 

      When will the Lord in this fearful formÈWho is fearful to the demons but exceedingly merciful to Prahlad and the devoteesÈbecome pleased to give me some mercy? When will He be pleased to speak to me, a worthless fool, and remove all my fears?

      "Dear child, stay here happily in Gaura Dhama, worship Radha and Krishna and develop attraction for the holy Name. By the mercy of My devotees, all the obstacles are transcended. Just worship with a purified heart the pastimes of Radha and Krisna, which are a flow of sweet nectar."

      Saying this, when will the Lord gleefuly place His feet on my head, at which moment I shall fall on the ground, showing symptoms of ecstasy, experiencing love for Radha and Krisna, by the mercy of Sri Nrisimha?

      so here we can see that Bhaktivinod Thakur is praying to him to remove obstacles and give devotees pure devotion for Sri Sri Radha Krsna.That is his mood and with same mood Srila prabhupada taught his disciples to worship narsimhadava.

      so in ISKCON we worship him.

      hope this clears our doubts.

      hari bol!

      your servant

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna David Prabhuji, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    We worship to Lord Nrisimha Dev much because we have tooooooo many material attachments and desires. And Sri Nrisimhadev is that Deity with thousands of hands which can tear up our dirty desires as like He did it with Hiryanyakashipu and all other soldiers. 

    We pray to Him: please take away! please destroy! please destruct these my dirty desires as You teared up the chest of Hiranyakashipu into two and made garlands from his  intestines :-O

    Your servant, 

    • Hare Krishna Bhaktin Mataji,

      All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

      I just want to say thank you for your answer.

      Your Insignificant Servant


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