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    Dear Prabhu,

    Please accept m humble obeisances.

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    I heard in a lecture of HH Bhakti Vidyapurna Swami Maharaja that Gayatri Mantras are important from the level of bhajana-kriya up to the level of asakti. (If you are familiar with the 9 levels of devotional service: sraddha, sadhu-sanga, bhajana-kriya, anartha-nivrtti, nistha, ruci, asakti, bhava and prema). In other words, it will be effective on a person who is already to some extent purified by the chanting of Hare Krishna mantra to help elevate them further to the platform of liberation and achieving their spiritual form. From that level on, Hare Krishna mantra is enough for full development of love of Godhead. 

    So Hare Krishna mantra works on anyone at any stage, but Gayatri is most important in the "middle" of our spiritual practices.

    Your humble servant,

    Madhavi-lata d.d.

  • Volunteer

    First of all Iskcon devotees do not chant Gayatri mantra on the beads or as Sankirtana, loud congregational chanting. They are required of recitation a few time everyday, just as required of any Brahmana, if they take Brahmin Initiation.

    There are two classes of men especially dear to Krishna. They are Brahmanas and Vaishnavas.

    Reciting Gayatri mantra a few times every day is required of Brahmanas, along with offering achaman/oblation to Navagraha, etc.

    A Vaishnava is a devotee of the Lord, and can be any of the 4 varnas, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra in performance of duties.

    A Brahmana does not perform duties of a Kshatriya, or a Vaishya or Shudra

    It is said in the shastras that a Brahmin may take on duties of Kshatriya or Vaishya, but NEVER a Shudra.

    We see people taking Brahmin initiation as an improvement in spirituality, but unwilling to give up their job/pay check.

    Anyone taking Brahmin initiation, receiving a paycheck is simply taking on the duties of a Shudra and scriptures forbid such activity.

    • Volunteer

      my humble obeisances Shravan Prabhu,

      You told:

      Anyone taking Brahmin initiation, receiving a paycheck is simply taking on the duties of a Shudra and scriptures forbid such activity.

      for example, one is already doing such like a job and he has dependents and if he decides to leave the job and live for charity than will it be possible for him to maintain family members?

      I have little doubt on it, of course Krishna is providing everything but He also makes us to use our intelligence according to time, place and circumstances, isn't  He?!

      It is the problem of a society. If those brahmanas were thought the properly as like in previous ages than he would use his abilities and knowledge to maintain himself and his dependents but these days we do not have such like schools, except Gurukulas. These days education institutions teach how to become a vaisha and shudra, isn't it?!

      What do You think about this and what can You recommend to those Devotees with brahmanical qualities to do in order better to use their abilities for Krishna's service!

      Thank You!

      Your servant,    

      • Volunteer

        "for example, one is already doing such like a job and he has dependents and if he decides to leave the job and live for charity than will it be possible for him to maintain family members?"

        -My humble suggestion is to that one perform duties of brahmana Patan Patan, Yajan Yaajan, etc. If still more money is needed, take on some sort of work of a Vaishya. Agriculture, Keeping cows, trade, buy/sell.This may be harder than doing what being told at work and not so guaranteed pay. No matter what, a brahmana must not do the work of a Sudra. 

        "I have little doubt on it, of course Krishna is providing everything but He also makes us to use our intelligence according to time, place and circumstances, isn't  He?!"

        -Yes, if a Brahmana wants to use his intelligence, one must not take the duties of a Sudra. Time place and circumstances can not be an excuse for taking the work of an ass. Time place and circumstances dont permit, one may go as low as a Vaishya. Thats where the line is drawn.

        "It is the problem of a society. If those brahmanas were thought the properly as like in previous ages than he would use his abilities and knowledge to maintain himself and his dependents but these days we do not have such like schools, except Gurukulas. These days education institutions teach how to become a vaisha and shudra, isn't it?!"

        - Yes never mind the society. Recently a initiated devotee, for over 20 years and chanting 16 rounds, mentioned to me that Harinam Sankirtan is not for the modern age. There are no people walking in the street (referring to the United States), therefore we should not do Harinam... he went on to say.. this method was good 500 years ago when Caitanya Mahaprabhu was on the Earth.

        I said to him that it is not my business to figure out what is right. When Mahaprabhu says do this, I do it. I even reminded him that Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati said that anyone who does not believe in Sankirtana, to that extent, they are an atheist. Unfortunately, I could not change his views on Sankirtana. He gives nice lectures on Bhagavadgita. His lectures lack potency, potency to induce devotion to the listeners, due to his lack of faith in Sankirtana movement. He further fell down by committing offenses to Vaishnava. In his whole congregation, not one initiated devotee, a few doing 1-2 rounds and absolutely no Harinam.

        Same way, if a brahmana rejects scriptures, with the excuse of time, place and circumstance, or what ever and then takes the work of a Sudra, that brahmana will lose the potency of a brahmana. He literally is risking his position as someone dear to Krishna.

        My advice is to be a brahmana, perhaps learn, teach, practice astrology, ayurveda. Do yajna, fire sacrifices for grihastas, perform weddings... Krishna will help a sincere soul who wants to get back to his position of a Brahmana. For Brahmanas are especially dear to him. (Go Brahmana hitaaya...), keep a cow, get some land if you can and be self sufficient, grow vegetables without pesticides and chemical fertilizers to offer to Krishna.

        Please forgive if I have offended you.

        All glories to Prabhupada.

        • Volunteer

          than You so much Prabhuji! This one was of Your answer was needed!

          Your servant, 

      • Volunteer

        Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavadgita 2.31

        Prabhupada says, "The brahmana will not be required to fight. A brahmana will not be required to work like asudra. A brahmana will not be required to work like a vaisya. Therefore a brahmana can beg. Pathan pathan yajan yajan dana pratigraha. This is the brahmana's business. He must be a good scholar in Vedic literature, and he must teach others. Not that "I have learned everything; I'll not teach anything." No. A brahmana must be well versed in the Vedic literature, and he must preach also, make others brahmana. Not that "I have become brahmana. So there is no need of others becoming brahmana. There will be competition."

        Similarly, if one is claiming that he is a brahmana, it is the government's duty to see whether he's strictly following the brahminical principles sama, dama, titiksava, arjavamwhether he is strictly following how to become self-controlled, how to remain always pure, clean, suci. Another name for brahmana is suci, "always clean." Similarly arjavam, simplicity. The brahmanas' life should be very simple. They should not imitate the ksatriya s and the vaisyas and the sudras.

        Prabhupada also said in a different Bhagavadgita lecture that a Brahmana, due to bad circumstances, may accept the duties of a Kshatriya or a Vaishya , but NEVER the work of a Sudra.

  • Volunteer

    The whole of Srimad Bhagavatam is a purport on Gayatri Mantra. Srila
    Prabhupada wrote a lengthy purport in the first canto, first chapter and
    first verse of the Srimad Bhagavatam. Chanting Gayatri enables one to be
    liberated from all sinful habits and thus develops attachment to loving
    service of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.
    Srila Prabhupada also wrote extensively that chanting Hare Krishna maha
    mantra is sufficient to develop love of Krishna, but because of our deep
    contamination with material energy, gayatri mantri is neccessary, especially
    to worship the Deity.

  • Volunteer

    from senior Devotee about Gayatri Mantra:

    I chant gayatri firstly because my spiritual master has asked me to and secondly because it is necessary in the ;practice of deity worship.

    The mantra addresses respects and prayers to Krishna as the Creator, Guru, Gauranga (as the maintainer of the universe), the friend and lover of the gopis and even Radharani. It is a very powerful mantra but not as powerful as the maha mantra which is essential for going back to Godhead.

    Gayatri is not essential for going back to Godhead, however absolutely necessary in the practice of deity worship.

    HH Sacinandana Swami has published a book called The Gayatri Book, if you want to know more about this mantra, this is a very useful and complete book.

    i hope this is helpful

    Your servant,

  • Hare Krisna,I am sure Sanskrit words coming out from my mouth are not pronounce correctly, but the Mantra coming out from my soul is correct. I am not trying to dispute, just share ideas.

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